Humility of David
Seeing that he is living in an magnificient palace, David thought to build a house for God. His motive is pure. But God redirects David not to build the temple but instead to make necessary preparations to his son Solomon to build the temple. It was conveyed by Nathan, the prophet to David.
Any proud,self pleasing leader, hearing that his plan is rejected would rebel and insist on his own way. But David, humbly submits to the will of God. and rejoices in God’s better plan. David responds by saying Who am I, O lord and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?
David realises that God had made him king of United Israel. God will build a dynastry, making people in his lineage to succeed him. From his lineage will come Messiah, savior of the world.
David sees himself as God sees him as deeply fallen, sinful but redeemed by God’s grace, raised to be a king.
We have to see the blessings God has given us and our family and pray for our future with confidence that God will meet our needs.
Cynthia Sathiaraj