May Lord grant you discretion and understanding

Good morning Brothers and sisters. Praise the Lord and bless his holy name forever and ever 😊.

Chro 22: God tells David that his son Solomon should build a house for the Lord. David could have built the house for the Lord but he chooses to let his son build it as God commanded him.

1 Chro 22: 9 God says, I will give him peace from enemies: Can we relate this verse to our selves and choose to believe that no matter wht is the struggle in our lives God is in control and so he will give us peace in the midst of the toughest struggles of our life.

1Chro 22: 10 God says that He will be a son to me and I will be a father to Him and I will establish his royal throne.

Can we relate to this verse and remind ourselves that God has called us sons and daughters and he is our Abba Father who wants to establish his royal throne for us and within our hearts. So let’s put away all evil so the God of hosts may reside in our hearts.

1Chro 22: 11 May the Lord be with you so that you may succeed.

Let’s relate this to ourselves,may the Lord be with us so that we may succed in having a good day, we may succeed in many things during the day like we may succeed in having a good relation with our family members, we may succeed in our jobs or careers, we may succeed finding the right purpose of our life , we may succeed to give enough time for Bible reading and reading various holy n essential books, etc. Remember if God is with us in anything that we do then we will surely succeed .

I have experienced it in my workplace in the school that i taught as a teacher but found different ways to teachy kids by God’s grace surely and thus in turn all my students did very well in their exams, which made me and my students very happy. But for this I give God all the glory coz I made him incharge of my students and as I taught them I also prayed that I may tech right and that my students understand n take efforts to study so that they do well in their exams.
1 Chro 22: 12 May Lord grant you discretion and understanding.

We all need this to make the right decisions in our life and to choose good over evil. Let’s pray that we may be granted discretion and understanding to know not only wht we see but to know and understand the unknown truth’s. To know how to build ourselves to be a blessing to others and thus giving God glory through the life that we live.Amen

Jennie D’Souza
Mumbai India