The devil did not make you do it 1 chron 21:1-30

“The devil made me do it, some people actually believe that satan is responsible when they do something that’s wrong. But is he?

Bach in the garden of Eden Adam and Eve ate a piece of forbidden fruit. When God confronted world’s first couple. Adam said “the woman you put here made him sin Gen 3:12. Eve said the serpent deceived me. putting blame on devil itself. Gen 3:13.

In 1 chron 21:1,it says,satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel. When it might not seem sinful ,for a king to want to count the people in his kingdom ,it meant David was planning to rely on people rather on the lord to win his battles. when David was confronted by God he didn’t say “The devil made me do it” David said I am the one who has sinned and done wrong 1 chron 21:17. Satan may tempt you but he can’t make you sin. Its your choice and you donot have to choose to do wrong. You are free to choose what is right.

So what should you do when satan tempts you?

Resist the devil and he will flee James 4:7
And we know that Christ is more powerful than satan.

Cynthia Sathiaraj

Fighting Unnecessary Battles

Days:93 1 Chronicles:19 – 23
Thursday: 15.10.2020

1 Chronicles 19.1-19
This battle was brought on because of the fear, insecurity, and mistrust of Hanun and his advisors. They couldn’t believe that David was merely doing an act of kindness toward them. They insulted King David by treating his officials badly, and as a result, had to prepare for war.

Many of our battles are similar. We misjudge the motives of other people and then have to pay a high price for jumping to conclusions. When we make a mistake, or unwisely say or do something that offends our neighbor, we should admit our error and seek to make things right . The words, “I’m sorry; I was wrong . Would you please forgive me?” may be hard to say, but they can help us avoid many unnecessary battles.

No Free Gifts Will Do
1 Chronicles 21.16-30
Araunah’s threshing place was used to separate the wheat or corn from its husks, it was located in Moriah, the same place where Abraham had taken Isaac to be offered as a sacrifice to the Lord many years before. When David explained why he wanted Araunah’s threshing place, Araunah quite willingly offered to give the property to David. But David would not hear of it. He knew he could not take something that had no value to him and turn around and offer it to God.

When we present something to God, we should be careful hat we are not giving him the “leftovers” of our lives, or those things that hold no value or meaning to us.
If what we offer God is meaningful to us, it will be to God as well.

✍️✨Mrs. Kalaiselvi Balakrishnan in Jesus Christ ✨✍️