The Battle Belongs to the Lord

The Battle Belongs to the Lord even in the Midst of the Covid19 Battle…1Samuel 17:47

🙌🏽Everyday we are seeing the report on the increase in the Covid19 cases and it looks like a losing battle against the invisible virus even though there are restrictions, precautions and warnings. There are hundreds of request for prayers for loved ones who are Covid positive and so many are in critical condition

🙌🏽In the midst of all this there are Covid 19 prayer warriors globally who have been praying everyday faithfully and relentlessly for the last seven months, because they know that the Battle Belongs to the Lord!. I praise God that so many people are bringing the sick, the needy, the broken hearted, depressed, and all the casualties of Covid 19 to the Throne of Grace

🙌🏽When Men say it is over, then God takes over, and when God takes overcome, the Battle is over. Well, that is what happened with David at the Battlefield. When the Army of Israel Retreated, David ran to the Battle Frontier and Faced the Enemy one on one because he knew that with God on his side, he is with the Majority!

🙌🏽We hear the phrase David versus Goliath used when the odds are stacked against you taking on a big organizing or person.

🙌🏽The phrase ‘David vs Goliath’ is generally used to refer to a situation in which a small person or organization defeats a larger one in a surprising way.

🙌🏽Since our Sunday School days we have read about the giant Goliath, a nine-foot soldier from Gath, who boasted he could beat any individual soldier in the Israelite army and faced a young lad outside of the army with no military might but with the full power of the Almighty God unleashed upon him to bring down the giant and defeat him.

🙌🏽Child of God, Remember this, if God is on your side, you will win, regardless of the odds against you, Romans 8:31. In this lockdown I am going through some battles because of the restrictions and limitations and sudden change of plans. There is a virus that is screaming out it’s threats against mankind, day and night and people are lockdown in fear and anxiety. I am also locked in with them. Crucial decisions have to be made, timings have to be good but I am stuck with no option but to trust God in this process.

🙌🏽What I do know is that every battle I face is not mine. My battles are the Lord’s, and He fights for me in the way and timing He chooses. I can either stand still and trust that God will fight for me, or I can freak out and possibly make it worse by taking things into my own hands

🙌🏽Trusting God to do battle for us doesn’t mean to be passive. David didn’t just quote the Word of God, he was out there in the front line doing the battle knowing, God was going to back him up. He had such an intimacy with God. He knew how to get out of the way and under God’s will and watch Him bring victory. He had first hand experience of the past victories God brought for him by enabling him to kill a lion and a bear, 1Samuel 17:36. He didn’t use Saul’s armour, 1Samuel 17:39. He used his gift and talent with a sling and stone, trusting God to enable him.

🙌🏽We need to choose to be still, and begin to know, I mean really know, that He is God. And, the best part of really knowing that He is God, is knowing that we are nothing. We can only do all things through Christ Jesus who strenghtens us in our battle, which is already won by Christ, Philliappians 4:13, 2Corinthians 2:14…Let us trust God for the victory and protection during this Corona Pandemic Battle, especially on the front line….Amen🙏

anniekoshy@God’s Thirstydeer🦌
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