Don’t be tempted to give up
In this Lockdown when we are faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges, don’t be tempted to give up…2Chronicles15; 7-8
💔I was very tempted to give up writing my insights because of the the situation I am in since yesterday, and today, God came through for me to write again, and I can’t thank Him enough because His faithfulness which is new every morning, Lamentations 3:23. In 2Chronicles 15:7, King Asa was told “not to give up” with the Israelites. Israel had no true God, Word or Priest to teach the Word for a long time and it was very easy for Asa to give up and be like his predecessors, 2Chronicles 15:3.
💔After a long time of not going to Church in this lockdown to hear the Word taught, people are turning to other things. It is so important to connect with those who are spiritually isolated and encourage them in the Word and fellowship. Children and senior citizens are the most affected. We have to create a sacred space and learn to have house churches. Don’t allow spiritual lethargy to settle in.
💔God sent a Prophet to the King, with a Word from God, even though there was no Priest to teach. The Prophet’s words encouraged the King so much, that he took courage to do the things which the other kings could not do for a long time. He had the audacity to remove idol worship and restored true worship, 2Chronicles 25:3, because he knew his work will be rewarded, 2Chronicles 15:7 and his heart was fully committed, 2Chronicles 15:17
💔We tend to relax when there are no challenges. We took our spiritual life for granted before the lockdown, and now our hearts are sinking when we face challenges. We need to be consistent and persistent in our walk with God. What we have learnt in this lockdown should help us to reset our lives to God’s will and God’s Word. Jesus showed us how to overcome our challenges in times of temptation so that we don’t give up.
💔Jesus never gave up on Himself. In His high priestly prayer in John 17:4, Jesus prayed to His Father: “I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do”. Likewise we should bring glory to God by completing the work He has given us without sinking or relaxing. Not to give up on ourselves means never giving up on humbling our hearts to God’s design for our lives.
💔Child of God, Remember this, in order to endure, or never give up on ourselves, we have to forever live up to God’s plan and purpose. If we are working where God is working and praying for what is in God’s heart, we will not be discouraged or disappointed in life. Let us pause and take stock of what is going on in our hearts. Is there an area of our life where we have noticed a crack in our heart with discouragement, disappointment and dissatisfaction?
💔Let’s do what King Asa did. Go to the Word of God, in the Presence of God, fellowship with anointed people and hear from God. We will have the courage and boldness in this Lockdown to do what God has entrusted us to do by first removing the idols from our hearts, so that, God in His fullness can revive us to reform us to His ways, by surrendering to God’s design for our lives, so that God can bring out the unique expression of Christ in us. We each have to finish what we have started to advance His Kingdom in this lockdown… Amen🙏
anniekoshy@God’s Thirstydeer🦌
Breaking the Chain with You….⛓️