Always praised God and gave thanks

In this chapter we see that David is nearing the end of his life.
A lot happened to David in his life. He went from being a shepherd, a Soldier, a Sovereign, a Singer, a Sinner and God’s anointed king.

2 Sam. 21:15-17 tell us that David went out to battle and was nearly killed by a Philistine giant. He was saved by his nephew and forbidden from going out to fight anymore. So, the days of battle have ended for King David.

He knows that he is nearing the end of his earthly race.
As we know, 2 Sam. 22 is almost identical to Psalm 18.
There are only a few words that are different in the two versions of this great song.

David had experienced many dimensions of Joy, afflictions and adversities in his life.
But ……….
……….. Whether he was at a high or low point in his life, he always praised God and gave thanks

Praising God means thanking Him for what He has done in our lives.

It also means simply speaking the truths we know about Him.
That’s how David starts his praise: “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer”

We need to give thanks “in” all circumstances, but not “for” all circumstances.

The Bible never tells us to give thanks FOR injustice or loss but to give things IN them.

We give thanks in every circumstance………… in our greatest struggle, in our most demanding test, in every difficult question, we give thanks to God because He is with us right in the middle of it all.

He promised that He will never leave us nor forsake us.

We can trust God to work everything together for our good, even in situations where it seems impossible for any good to come.

Jooley Mathew Z