Master’s master plan
❇️ From one man he made every nation of men that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live (v26)
❇️ Paul in his exposition to gentiles in Athens made the above revelation about God’s clear plan for humans. Two things are made clear to us.
- God determines the time window of our existence for all
- God fixed the exact location where we should live
❇️ Given below are reasons why God has determined our time and place
▪️We will seek him (v27)
▪️We will reach out for him (v27)
▪️We will find him (v27)
❇️ Thus the purpose of our life is to seek, to reach out and to find God
❇️ Paul further states that God is not far from us since we live and move and have our being in him (v28)
Why should we seek him eventhough we live in him?
❇️ We seek him because God is our primary need in our life and primary reference for our living. When God is not our need and not our reference we go after fleshly needs in our life and the pleasures of this world become the reference for our living respectively.
❇️ We don’t find him despite our proximity because our sins block our reaching out and finding him.We are so close to God yet so far from him due to our subordination to flesh.
❇️ This is what made Paul to state, ” What I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do” (Rom.7:15). What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death ? (Rom.7:24)
Paul himself answers it
Thanks be to God – through Jesus Christ our Lord (v25) we are rescued.
❇️ That’s why Jesus Christ is the primary need in our life and primary reference for our living.
✅ Insights learnt:
▪️God determines the time and
place of our life
▪️To seek, to reach out and to
find God is our life purpose
▪️God is our primary need and
our primary reference
▪️Jesus Christ rescues us
from the body of death
Vellore 🙏🏽