Many of those who sleep in the dust

Daniel 12: 2. Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt (scorn)

Yes, Bible describes death as sleep. Because those who sleep will definitely will awake. When Christ is coming back , those who are dead in Christ, or those who are saved, the holy ones, whose name is written in the book of Life, and those who are destined for eternal life, will rise up or awake. 1 Corinthians 15: 23. 1 Thessalonians 4: 14- 17. They were righteous people who did good works. Their sins were forgiven and they received salvation.

Yes, we too should know this truth, and live with the fear of God , obeying the word of God, and should be saved from our sin and should sustain in the salvation we received till the end. When we die, we should be prepared to die with this assurance. We should pray for us and for our family so that we shall awake for receiving everlasting life. This should be our prime aim or goal in our life.

But, among the dead or those who sleep in the dust of the earth, some will awake to shame and everlasting contempt.(scorn) They are those who lived in sin, not bothered about receiving salvation, their names are not written in the Book of Life, or even after written, it would have been blot out because they were backsliding. They were careless in this God given opportunity in this worldly life. After death there is no more opportunity to repent.

Therefore, let us prepare ourselves to receive this everlasting life. Let us also prepare many perishing souls to receive this eternal life. Also let us pray for us and for others so that we will be awake to receive our eternal life. Amen. Hallelujah.

Dr. Padmini Selvyn

Simple thoughts for💫
deeper meditation:

Daniel: 9:3

And I prayed earnestly to the Lord God, pleading with him, fasting, wearing sack-
cloth and sitting in ashes

Let us meditate on the prayer life of Daniel, one day more.

⚡ During the reign of
King Darius, Daniel was an
old man of 85 yrs, and was
the chief aide of Darius.

⚡ In the midst of his
royal duties, Daniel set apart
times of prayer and study of
the word of God. He had all the comforts in life in a far
away country, but was closely knit in his heart to his homeland and his people. He was longing for the time when his people would be restored to their inheritance.

He understood from
Jeremiah: 25:11 and 29:10
that the time was drawing
near for God’s deliverance
and set himself for an intense intercession on their

⚡ Daniel studied the word
and did what God wanted him to do. Daniel’s life is a
challenge to us to pray for
the deliverance of whole
world from the pandemic.

⚡ Note how Daniel began his prayer (V. 3- 19) turning his face to the Lord in all earnestness, humbling him- self through fasting and wearing of sack cloth, covering his head with ashes. He identified himself with his people and confessed his sins and theirs, although he lived a life close to God and was not part of the sins of his people. In total surrender he pleaded for mercy, forgiveness and deliverance.

⚡ God is looking for men
and women who will know
the times and seek His face
for fulfillment of His plans
for the whole world.

🔥 We need to take our eyes
off ourselves and our small
concerns and look beyond to the extension of God’s
Kingdom. Millions are heading towards an eternity
without Christ and we need
to stand in the breach as
required in Ezekiel:22:30.

Dr. Thomas David.🎯