Fear God and keep His commandments

Here is the conclusion of the matter; Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes.12:13.

King SOLOMON was a man whose life seemed to overflow with the sort of blessings, that so many chase after today – fame and fortune; glory and honour; prosperity and power; riches and authority; wisdom…. Solomon discovered from his experience that trying to find satisfaction in the achievements of this world is only a chasing of wind. He finally arrived at the one and only conclusion , the only fulfillment of life is to fear God and obey His commandments.

The conclusion of the whole matter.
The sum and substance of all that has been said or written so far.

Fear GOD.
Fear of God means having such a reverence for Him that it has a great impact on the way we live our lives. The fear of God is respecting Him, obeying Him, submitting to His discipline and worshipping Him in awe.

Keep His commandments.
Keeping God’s commandments is the effect of fearing God. A person who fears God will obey God in everything even if it is costly or difficult.

The whole duty of man.
It is his whole work and business; it is the sum of what we need either to know, or do or enjoy.

Do we really fear God?
Are we keeping God’s commandments or are we chasing after the wind?



Turning Point
*️⃣Much as we may understand Solomon’s rather pessimistic outlook in Ecclesiastes, (reflections of a godless phase in his life), at the back of our minds there’s a grey area which laments that a man endowed with so much wisdom should go through such a phase. This world is just a tiny spot in the universe and still how humans, wise or not, struggle to find meaning in it! And we’re happy and relieved to find a turning point for Solomon too in his reflections.

Solomon Looks UP at Last!
*️⃣We note the turning point in Ch 8:12
Although a wicked man commits a hundred crimes and still lives a long time, I know that it will go better with God fearing men who are reverent before God

️At last, after looking right, left and all around, Solomon looks UP! The *under-the-sun life will become enjoyable and meaningful when you consider the above – the sun heavenly life that Paul got a brief glimpse of. True meaning and happiness in this life is unattainable without Christ.

Solomon’s Reflections End on a Positive Note
️⃣Solomon ends his reflections on a positive note, with a call to the young to *remember their creator in their youth. (ch 12).

First Seek the Kingdom of God
*️⃣The Book is a warning against hunting for happiness in the worldly avenues and ending up bitter or depressed or empty. In our brief spell here on earth, may we seek the kingdom of heaven first and God will add what ever else has to be added.
