Good Shepherd are fulfilled in Jesus Christ
Together with Jeremiah, Ezekiel was responsible for the survival of Israel as a people, even in exile, and for their religious purification. Departing from the former concept of corporate personality and collective guilt.
Ezekiel was called to bear the sins of his people and to suffer for them. In this he is a symbol of Jesus who took upon himself the sins of the world. Ezekiel’s prophecy concerning the new covenant as well as the Good Shepherd are fulfilled in Jesus Christ.”
Christ and Satan: Contenders for Control
(Ezekiel 28, John 1)
Jesus and Satan started out in the same place. Satan lived a life of pride and selfishness. He continues to lead a life of lies and accusations. Jesus, on the other hand lived a life of self-sacrifice and continues to work for us as our High Priest in heaven.
Which will you choose to follow?
God’s mercy on those who He finds righteous Chapter:29
God does not only judge a ruler for his sins, but He judges the entire nation according to the sins of the ruler. As the authority over a nation, the ruler is held responsible for the sins of the people, and the people are influenced by the sins of the ruler. In essence, if the ruler is sinful, the nation has become tarnished with sin. This does not exclude God’s mercy on those who He finds righteous; as God spared Noah from the flood, He will spare any individual spiritual harm even though He may judge the nation for its sins.
God can bring a world power down to the ground
For over 2,000 years Egypt had been a world power virtually unchallenged
They were building the pyramids thousands of years prior to Babylon’s rise
And now the Lord was telling Israel that this chief enemy, the unchallenged power on earth, would soon be nothing
And in a day to come, it would be completely empty
It’s important to remember Egypt’s fate when you hear Daniel’s and Revelation’s prophesy about a coming 10-king world government
We hear that prophecy and we imagine it must be far in the future
After all, the U.S. and other world nations are too strong to be displaced by anything or anyone else, right?
Ask Egypt how quickly God can bring a world power down to the ground
The connections between Egypt and the Antichrist seem designed to remind the powerful nations of that future day that God can move nations as He desires
Which is why we want to remember that our country is not of this earth.
✍️🍄Mrs. Kalaiselvi Balakrishnan in Jesus Christ 🍄✍️
These chapters focus on Egypt, the nation that the Jews trusted instead of trusting the Lord (Isaiah 30:1-7; 31:1-3). Ezekiel detailed four illustrations of the coming judgment of Egypt.
The capturing of a monster (29). The king of Egypt thought he was a great monster, guarding his royal river; but God said he was only a weak reed in the river (29:6-7). God would capture the monster and show Pharaoh that He owned the Nile River and could do with it what He pleased. The Babylonians would come and plunder Egypt, and Pharaoh would not be able to stop them.
The breaking of arms (30). God would break Pharaoh’s arm and not allow it to heal, but He would strengthen Nebuchadnezzar’s arms and give him victory over Egypt and her many allies. No more would God’s people turn to Egypt for help.
The cutting down of a great tree (31). This message was for Pharaoh, who thought his nation was indestructible. Assyria once had the same idea, but look what God did to her. God would rebuke Pharaoh’s pride, cut down his nation, and cast it into hell (Vs. 15, 17).
The trapping of animals (32). Egypt was strong and active like a young lion, but the nation would be caught in God’s net and go down into the Pit with all the other great nations of that era.
Remember that God is the King and rules among the nations as He pleases. What He does has one grand purpose: that the nations may know He is the Lord (29:6, 9; 30:8, 19, 26). When nations and rulers start to think they are gods, God has to remind them that He alone is the God of all the earth. Nebuchadnezzar himself had to learn that lesson (Daniel 4)
Posted by Brother Narayan.