Manasseh got a special place of inheritance

In Genesis 48, we see how Joseph’s sons Ephraim and Manasseh got a special place of inheritance along with the other sons of Jacob, vs 5. This was a special place that they acquired which none of the other sons of Joseph’s brothers received! Thus, we see that on account of the fact that their father suffered unjustly and bore the same patiently with a loving and forgiving attitude towards his persecutors, his sons inherited a place of blessing on that account.
Let us, therefore, take heed to the fact that the decisions that we make today will invariably affect our future generations who will live to either inherit blessings or curses based on the way we choose to live.

We also see that when Jacob began to bless his other sons in Genesis 49 all that was stored in his heart concerning each son came out in the form of either a blessing or curse depending on the way they lived and whether they repented of their sin or not, vs 1-12. Reuben, Simeon and Levi had done wrong, but never repented of their sin! Either they were silent or justified their wrong doings when they were exposed, and as a result, forfeited their blessing!

On the other had, Judah had also done wrong more than once, but eventually was penitent for his wrong deeds and willing to take the blame or make restitution wherever it was necessary. This made him receive a magnanimous blessing from his father, Jacob, vs 8-12. We also see the Messiah coming from the family line of Judah as a result, Mathew 1:3!

In Genesis 50, we read about deaths and burials. Both Jacob and Joseph eventually died and were buried vs 26, Genesis 49:33. We see a lot of time being spent in embalming the body of Jacob and preparing for his burial. Even at the burial site, many rituals were followed according to the Egyptian protocol, vs 3,7,9-11. However, when Joseph died, we read of his body being embalmed and placed in a coffin in Egypt, vs 26. What we need to understand is that after we die, no amount of ceremonies or procedures done at the time of death can better our life after death, once our spirits and souls return to God.

For, people are appointed to die once, and then to face judgment, Hebrews 9:27. So, while we are still alive let us make sure that the lives we live are pleasing to God, so that we receive His blessings and grace to fulfill our life’s call on the earth, as well as, leave behind a legacy of blessing upon our children.

And yes, we all sin in different ways, but on being corrected by God or man, let us choose to humble our pride and acknowledge our sin, making restitution, wherever necessary and once again walk in favour with both God and man, thus ensuring that our lives continue to be blessed and become s source of blessing to many.

For once we die, there will be nothing that can be done to cleanse us from our unrepented sin, no matter how expensive a burial we have, or how profound the epitaph may be on our behalf!

Rowena Thomas
Mumbai, India.