All good confrontation ends in the hope of restoration

Hosea 7:8

A cake not turned is uncooked on one side.
Ephraim was like that in many respects ,untouched by divine grace.
There was some partial obedience, there was very much rebellion left.
Let us charge our soul.
Are we thorough in the things of God?
Let us pray to God, grace pause through our actions, our words and our thoughts.
May God sanctify our spirit, soul and body.
It should be our aim and prayers.
A saint in public is a devil in private.
Let us pray ,”o Lord, turn me.
Turn my unsanctified nature to the fire of love and let it feel the sacred glow.
Let me not be found a double minded man, but one entirely under the powerful influence of reigning grace.”
Maby Sundar India group no.7070

Hosea is not above speaking words of confrontation. He uses vivid imagery and colourful images to describe the evil behaviour of his people. LOOK AT HIS TRAIN OF THOUGHT:

He clarifies the desired relationship he wishes to have(6:1—3).
He defines the unacceptable behaviour (6: 4,5).
He highlights his values and priorities. (6:6).
He lists the conduct that illustrates his point.(7:1—14).
He reminds the people of their training.(7: 15).
He declares the consequences. (7: 16).

For six more chapters Hosea continues to details the people’s unacceptable conduct. Then, in chapter 14, he offers words of restoration. All good confrontation ends in the hope of restoration. The goal is always reconciliation, not excommunication.

When team members drift from goals, leaders owe it to them and to the organization to confront or clarify the situation. This is the only way to stay on track and to maintain respect from the team. Hosea has written the book on it.

Hosea 10:3,4
How had Israel drifted into such serious sin? Hosea’s answer, Israel had no real leadership. False promises had eroded the people’s confidence in their leaders. They concluded: We have no kingโ€ฆ.. They have spoken words, swearing falsely in making a covenant”(Hos.10:3,4). People follow only in proportion to their trust in the leader. Israel’s Leaders Broke the Law of Solid Ground.

Hosea 14: 1-7
No Matter who the Leader is— God Still Rules!

One of the missing pieces in Israel’s leadership was HUMILITY. They had forgotten who created their prosperity and good fortune. Hosea 11:1-4 and 12:7–9 remind the nation that God taught them and provided for them.

Leaders err when they assume they are the source of blessings .WISE LEADERS SEEK TO MAKE GOOD DECISIONS, BUT REALIZE THE OUTCOME REMAINS IN GOD’S HANDS. Leaders are in charge, BUT GOD IS IN CONTROL.

Hosea 14:1-7 gives a prescription to help leaders recapture humility.

Return Do a turnaround and pursue the Lord(V.1).
Repent, Confess specifically your self-sufficiency(V.2)
Remember, Remind yourself that only God is in Control(V.3).
Result, Only then will God respond with blessing and restoration(Vv.4—7).
Humility, No matter who the leader is—– God still Rules!.

Leaders Love Everyone, but Don’t Drop Their Convictions Hosea 14 :9
Do leaders always love and care for people, regardless of who they are? Certainly, both God and Hosea modeled unconditional love. But does a time when showing compassion for someone ends, or otherwise a leader violates a bedrock principle?

This is where leaders draw a line in the sand. While they are to love and care for anyone they contact, this doesn’t mean they chuck their convictions. They respond with grace, but never drift from their guiding priorities and priniciples. We cling to convictions even in our lowest moment.

Both God and Hosea continued to act from priniciple. Leaders practice the Law of Empowerment by living our priorities:

Leaders are to Act from their principles. Empower others even when it’s difficult. Live off of Character.

Followers often โ€ฆReact from their feelings, Withdraw in difficult times. Live off of emotions.

God bless,