If we truly believe, our lives would never be the same
Isaiah 53
Do we truly believe and receive in faith, on hearing about the salvation that has been given to us in Christ Jesus? Are we able to see clearly His arm that hung on the cross on our behalf, vs 1,2?.
If we truly did, then our lives would never be the same! Although His hidden life was precious and lived gloriously in the sight of the Father, (while passing through all kinds of temptations that any human being could ever be tempted with), yet from the outward standpoint, there was no grace of form that would have impressed us, vs 3.
On the contrary, He was mocked at, and bore sorrows and diseases in our stead, while men looked down on Him, gave Him no value and ignored Him, on thinking, all the while that he was suffering on account of His own sins!
This powerful exchange was made for us on the cross even when we didn’t even realise what was actually being done for our redemption and restoration! Nevertheless, now all who believe and receive the same by repenting of their sins and putting their trust in Him (the Lord Jesus), can experience peace with God and healing of their diseases, vs 4,5.
He bore this punishment for our sakes, while we were still dead in our sins, wandering like sheep; going every one of us after our own desires, vs 6. He so desired our redemption and restoration that He willingly gave up His rights and although men were cruel to Him, He was gentle and quiet; as a lamb taken to its death, and as a sheep before those who take her wool makes no sound!
He even allowed Himself to be led away to His death by an unjust trial and was crucified between two criminals, yet He ended up in a rich man’s tomb, because He had committed no violent deeds, nor had He spoken deceitfully, vs 7-9. Nevertheless, it pleased the Father to crush Him, because that was the only way for our restoration to be secured and for many sons to be brought to glory, vs 10,11.
The end result of eternal victory is now here for all to see, and those who repent and believe in Him can taste of this fruit, vs 12. Now we are called to follow in His steps, 1 Peter 2:21, and rejoice in our opportunities to suffer for others, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in our flesh for His body’s sake, which is the Church, Colossians 1:24.
For as we do so, many will be blessed through our lives, and when He returns, we will reign with Him forever, 2 Timothy 2:12!
What will our response be?
Rowena Thomas
Mumbai, India.