Isaiah 45
When God chooses a man or woman to do a work for Him, no one can stop such a move of God, unless the person himself or herself chooses to disobey, vs 1-3. The Lord does this for the sake of His people, even though the person whom God uses is an unbeliever, vs 4-7. God does these things so that His righteous salvation can be established on the earth, vs 8.
No one has the right to ask questions about whom God uses or why or how He does what He has intended to do, because God being both, the Creator and Saviour of all has the right to do as He pleases and He will never do anything unrighteous too, vs 9-13, 17-19.
His mighty works will display His presence among His people and this will draw the Nations of the earth to pay homage, even as He reveals His saving grace to all mankind, in the midst of His people, 14,15. However, those who continue in rebellion and idolatory will be brought to shame, vs 16. Yet, He loving calls them to turn from their idolatory and experience His saving grace while there is still time, for He has decreed that only unto Him will every knee be bent, and every tongue give honour, vs 20-22!
For it is only in the Lord, who is both Creator and Saviour, that His people will become overcomers and be strengthened and receive what is rightly theirs, and so give Him the glory, vs 24,25. Let us therefore, determine to flee from all forms of idolatory, so that God can move mightily on our behalf to manifest Himself in our midst to the end that Jesus is lifted up and draws men unto Himself. Amen.
Rowena Thomas.
Mumbai, India.
I was a born Christian however didn’t have any personal relationship with God. Once I was chatting with one of my Uni- friend (Manu) and was surprised by his transformation since I knew him some 20 years ago. He encouraged me to join this group
One of the main thing I like about this group is that there is no deviation from the true word of god regardless if it conforms to today’s modern world or some people’s likes and dislikes . There are many teachings going around that are “ very soothing to our ears” for e. g prosperity gospel. May our Father guide us all to continue to spread the true word of god that God had intended to impart to us.
Group No. 11050