To travel on the highway of the most high God
Lockdown Reflections… 📝
Food from my Host’s Kitchen Table 🍽️🍯🥛🍴
Take a Break with Jesus in the Lockdown 🍞☕
Day 157, 270 Days Bible Reading, Friday, 18.12.20. ✒
There is only one way to travel in this lockdown: To TRAVEL on the HIGHWAY of the MOST HIGH GOD… Isaiah 35:8.
🌹 To TRAVEL on the HIGHWAY with THE HIGH WAYS of the MOST HIGH GOD, Isaiah 35:8, will save us from walking in confusion and depression. This is becoming so evident in this Lockdown, especially in the free world, where people are free to do anything, putting lives at risk in this pandemic season. Unless we keep to God’s governance and continue to walk on God’s Highway, we will be a stumbling block for others.
🌹 About 600 years before what Jesus had said (Jesus said ‘that He Is The Way,’ John 14:6), the Prophet Isaiah wrote about a HEAVENLY HIGHWAY, that the Redeemed will walk on. Isaiah 35 is a beautiful chapter, full of hope for the Redeemed people of God. Isaiah was called to serve the Lord in the most difficult and darkest times of Israel. The backsliding people of Israel had turned their backs on the Lord, Who Redeemed them, and they were facing the terrible chastisement of the Lord because of their atrocious sins. The brutal and wicked Assyrians had invaded Israel and, naturally, the people were terrified, petrified and terrorised.
🌹 In the midst of those terrible times, Isaiah, the Prophet of Hope and Comfort, stands and gives the people, who were concerned about their future, a message of hope. Isaiah saw a future time of peace, joy and prosperity, and spoke of the Coming King and His Kingdom and about a Blessed time for Israel. So what are the Physical and Spiritual Blessings for those who walk on the Highway of Holiness?
🌹 There are many blessings given in verses 1-10 and some have literally taken place. I just want to highlight a few. Isaiah 35:1 – The desert will bloom like a rose. This has literally happened since 1948 when the Nation of Israel was born and it became an Oasis, instead of a Desert.
🌹 Spiritually, our lives can blossom into a garden when Jesus comes into our lives and Fallow our dead ground and the hardened soil of our hearts. Because the Rose of Sharon has moved in and has filled our souls with His divine fragrance, we can be a sweet smelling rose for those around us, SOS 2:1.
🌹 In Isaiah 35:8, we see a physical blessing, a highway that will pass through the land in that day. Because of the Assyrian invasion, it was not safe to travel the roads. The day will come when safety will be restored to the land. The people will once again be able to go to Jerusalem to worship the Lord in holiness and peace. The people were comforted when they heard that they would be able to go and worship in Jerusalem once again.
🌹 On this highway, only those who know the King can walk on it! In ancient times it was known as the “Royal Road.” These highways were built only for the powerful kings. They were built higher than the surrounding landscape to prevent flocks and wild animals and commoners walking on it which might hinder the travel progress of the king. The highway was empty most of the time but well-maintained, safe, beautiful and open at all times as no one knew when the king would come. We are Redeemed to walk on the ancient Royal Road of our King always.
🌹 Child of God, Remember this, Jesus said that there is NO other way for Life and Truth. It is a Lifegiving Way. His Way is the only way to experience His Life when we walk in His Truth, John 14:6. He is the Door to that Way, John10:9. He not only said that He is ‘The Way’ but He Also said that He is the ‘Door to that Way,’ so that we don’t have to get lost by asking anyone else the Way! ALL WHO ENTER IT WILL BE SAVED, John 10:9.
🌹 Let us remember that ‘We are the Redeemed People of God’ and only those who know the King can and should walk in the Highway of Holiness, so that others, who follow us, will not stumble and fall. But instead can get their way into the Highway of God for their Salvation, Peace, Joy and Happiness.
🌹 They will Praise the Lord for His Blessings and His Grace upon them. There is a spiritual road that exists this day that we should walk in since God has redeemed us, restored us and placed our feet on a new road of life. Let us in the Lockdown time walk in it and guide others also to walk in it… Amen. 🙏
anniekoshy@God’s Thirstydeer 🦌 Breaking the Chain with You… ⛓️