Sin is an incurable sickness leading to death
Jeremiah 30:15 “Why do you cry out over your wound, your pain that has no cure? Because of your great guilt and many sins I have done these things to you.”
Jeremiah chapters 30 to 33 have been called the “Book of Consolation” or the “Little Book of Comfort” because of their message of hope.
In the above verse we see that God takes the full responsibility for what happens to Israel. He says, I have done these things to you. God reminds us here that there will be pain and heartache and trouble because of the evil of our past.
Sin is an incurable sickness leading to death
God’s compassion means no sinner is beyond hope, but we must be willing to learn from discipline.
Let’s check ourselves….
Where do we need to be disciplined today?
What part of our life does not line up with God’s plans for us?
Where does God need to prune us so that we might bear more fruit of the Spirit?
Lets’s ……..
Spend time allowing God to love and correct us.
Ask Him to prune and teach us.
Ask Him to guide us into a lifestyle of greater confession, repentance, forgiveness, and healing.
Open our heart to His loving discipline today.
Allow Him to mold and fashion us into the likeness of Jesus.
Spend time allowing His love to wash us clean and free us from the bonds of sin.
Jooley Mathew Z