Israel ‘s apostasy and God’s mercy judges 10:6-16

God grieves when His people repeatedly spurn Him. The Israelites did evil in the Lord’s sight by serving other gods God is angry with them because of their unfaithfulness. God’s verdict was was’ Go and cry out to the gods you have chosen, let them rescue you 10:14 Israel repeated it’s plea for mercy 10:10,14-16. But this time they got rid of foreign gods who were powerless to help them and submitted to the lord.

God is grieved by His people ‘s misery 10:16. Even when repeatedly spurned, Gods love is powerful.than His wrath and His compassion exceeds His indignation

In response to their repentance, Jepthah was made a judge to lead the Israelites to freedom from 18 years of oppression.

Cynthia Sathiaraj