Disappointment into an appointment with Jesus like the two disciples

Lockdown Reflections… 📝
Food from my Host’s Kitchen Table 🍽️🍯🥛🍴
Take a Break with Jesus in the Lockdown 🍞☕
Day 228, 270 Days Bible Reading, Sunday, 27.2.21.

In this Lockdown let us turn our Disappointment into an appointment with Jesus like the two disciples…Luke 24:13-35

🙏When did Jesus come alongside the Disciples in Luke 24 in their journey? When they were talking about Him, Luke 24:15-17. Yes, Jesus only turns up when we are TALKING about Him, when we share about Him! They didn’t recognise Him at first, so that, it gives us all equal chance to know Him progressively, depending on how long and how far we are willing to Walk with Him! The longer you linger with Him the longer He will hang out with you. The further you are willing to go, He is willing to go with you all the way!

🙏As the Scriptures were been explained their hearts were warm and burning, Luke 24:32. If the Old Testament ignited such passion, what would the New Testament have done to them now? The News Testament was Hidden in the Old Testament and Jesus was Revealing Himself in the Scriptures, Luke 24:27. The reason why some of Christians don’t read the Old Testament is because Jesus is not Revealed to them when the Old Testament is taught or preached. We need the whole counsel of the Word. The New Testament is the Old Testament Revealed. We have 66 Revelation of Jesus from the 66 Books of the Bible. The Two things Jesus did on the Resurrection Day was to Teach the Word and Break the Bread, so that the eyes of their Understanding can be opened to recognise Jesus, Luke 24:35.

🙏Child of God, Remember this, in our faith walk in this lockdown, we would have faced so many disappointing situations. We need to pray for the eyes of our understanding to be opened by faith to recognise Jesus when we are seeking God’s will in the Word of God
Ephesians 1:17. Only when we see Him through the scriptures can we turn our disappointment into divine appointments, so that, we can have Supernatural Strength to Run for Jesus in the Lockdown, Luke 24:33, to tell the world about the risen Christ…Amen🙏

anniekoshy@God’s Thirstydeer🦌 Breaking the Chain with You….⛓️