Jesus, explains about the love of father
Luke 15: 11 – 32 This parable which was told by Jesus, explains about the love of father. But let us meditate the love of our heavenly father.
- When the younger son asked the father to give him the portion of goods that falls to him, He gave him. Yes, even today when we do the things according to our own wish, our heavenly Father will allow them to do.
- His heart was groaning for his son who went to a far country, wasted his possessions with prodigal living. Same way Holy Spirit is also making intercessions for us with groaning.
- After he spent al his things and was in need, he went and joined with a citizen of that country and he sent him to feed the swine. Though he was anxious to eat the pods that the swine ate, he was not getting that. Yes, when we join with the citizen of the country or devil, we , who are supposed to feed the sheep has to feed the swine, which is considered to be abomination.
- But when he came to himself, he confessed that ” l have sinned against heaven and against my father.” But the father who waited with great desire for his arrival when he saw him coming far off, had compassion, ran and fell on his neck and kissed him. This father must be above 50 years old. Imagine, the way he was running towards his son. What a great love! Our heavenly father too is so loving and with compassion, forgives our sins and accepts us as His own children when we repents.
- He was cleansed, and was put the best robe, put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet. They ate fatted calf, and were happy. Yes, we too when repent, He will clothe us with the garment of salvation and robe of righteousness, He will give us the authority as his children, and He will shod our feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace and make us happy . Yes, there will be rejoicing in ,heaven, infront of angels.
Yes, let us realize howmuch our heavenly father loves us and forgives us and thank Him. Not only this, God gave us father and mother in this world who loved us and took care of us. Do we ignore them or making them to groan? Let us search ourselves and repent. Let us learn to love and honour them. Let us thank God for our parents and let us not allow them to grieve. Amen. Hallelujah.
Dr. Padmini Selvyn.
There’s no room for self-righteousness. In our fallen world, death comes to all of us—one way or another—in God’s own time. Disasters are a call to repentance. They should remind me of my need to confess my sins and turn to Jesus for salvation or renew my commitment to Him. Lord, help me to respond properly whenever I am confronted by tragedy.
Truth is: It’s never too soon to repent, but soon it may be too late.
Counting the cost is important in my commitment to Christ. Jesus made this clear, when He talked about what it takes to be His disciple—loving Him more than family relationships, my possessions, or even my own life. Giving my life in service to Christ and others can be very rewarding. Let me remember what Jesus said. Being His disciple has its price, and I must carefully count the cost.
Truth is: Following Jesus costs more than anything; except not following Him.
To God be the Glory.
Br. John Rajan/Admin.,
GCO. Shanthi Samuel,