Jesus thanked God that spiritual truth was for everyone

10:7. Jesus told his disciples to accept hospitality graciously because their work entitled them to it. Ministers of the gospel deserve to be supported, and it is our responsibility to make sure they have what they need. There are several ways to encourage those who serve God in his church. First, see that they have an adequate salary. Second, see that they are supported emotionally; plan a time to express appreciation for something they have done. Third, lift their spirits with special surprises from time to time. Our ministers deserve to know we are giving to them cheerfully and generously.

10:21. Jesus thanked God that spiritual truth was for everyone and not just for the elite. Many of life’s rewards seem to go to the intelligent, the rich, the good looking, or the powerful, but the kingdom of God is equally available to all, regardless of position and abilities. We come to Jesus not through strength or brains, but through childlike trust. Jesus is not opposed to engaging in scholarly pursuits, he is opposed to spiritual pride( being wise in one’s own eyes). Join Jesus in thanking God that we all have equal access to him. Trust in God’s grace, not in your personal qualifications, for your citizenship in the kingdom.

From the parable we learn three principles about loving our neighbour (10:27-37):

(1). Lack of love is easy to justify, even though it is never right;
(2). Our neighbour is anyone of any race, creed, or social background who is in need, and
(3). Love means acting to meet the person’s need. Wherever you live, there are needy people close by. There is no good reason for refusing to help.

11:1-4. Notice the order in this prayer. First Jesus praised God, then he made his requests. Praising God first puts us in the right frame of mind to tell him about our needs. Too often our prayers are more like shopping lists than conversation.

11:2-13. These verses focus on three aspects of prayer: it’s content(11:2-4); our persistence (11:5-10) and God’s faithfulness (11:11-13).

God’s provision is daily not all at once

11:3. God’s provision is daily not all at once. We cannot store it up and then cut off communication with God. And we dare not be self- satisfied. If you are running low on strength, ask yourself — how long have you been away from the source ?

11:4. When Jesus taught his disciples to pray, he made forgiveness the cornerstone of their relationship with God. God has forgiven our sins; we must now forgive those who have wronged us. To remain unforgiving shows we have not understood that we ourselves deeply need to be forgiven. Think of some people who have wronged you. Have you forgiven them? How will God deal with you, if he treats you as you treat others.

11:8. Persistence, or boldness, in prayer overcomes our insensitivity, not God’s. To practice persistence does more to change our hearts and minds than his, and it helps us understand and express the intensity of our need. Persistence in prayers helps us recognise God’s work.

11:33-36. The lamp is Christ, the eye represents spiritual understanding and insight. Evil desire makes the eye less sensitive and blot our the light of Christ’s presence. If you have a hard time seeing God at work in the world and in your life, check you vision. Are any sinful desires blinding you to Christ?

11:42-52. Jesus criticised the Pharisees and the experts in the law harshly because they(1) washed their outsides but not the insides.(2) remembered to give one tenth or even
Their garden herbs but neglected justice. (3) loved praise and attention (4) loaded people down with burdensome religious demands,(5) would not accept the truth about Jesus, and(6) prevented others from believing the truth as well. They went wrong by focusing on outward appearances and ignoring the inner condition of their hearts. We do the same when our servic comes from a pure heart and out of a love for others. People may sometimes be fooled, but God isn’t. Don’t be a Christian on the outside only. Bring your inner life under God’s control and your outer life will naturally reflect him.

12:8,9. We disown Jesus when we

(1) hope no one will think we are Christians.
(2) decide not to speak up for what is right.
(3) are silent about our relationship with God
(4) blend into society
(5) accept our cultures non-Christians values. By contrast, we acknowledge him when we
(i) live moral, upright, Christ-honouring lives,
(ii). Look for opportunities to share our faith with others,
(iii) help others in need,
(iv) take a stand for justice
(v) love others
(vi) acknowledge our loyalty to Christ
(vii) use our lives and resources to carry out his desires rather than our own.

12:31. Seeking the kingdom of God means making Jesus the Lord. And King of your life. He must control every area- your work, play, plans, relationships. Is the kingdom only one of your many Concerns, or is it central to all that you do? Are you holding back any areas of your life from God’s control? As Lord and Creator, he wants to help Provide what you need as well as guide how you use what he provides.

12:33. Money seen as an
End in itself quickly traps us and cuts us off from both God and the needy. The key to us money wisely is to see how much we can Use for God’s purposes, not how much we can accumulate for ourselves. Does God’s love touch your wallet? Does your money free you to help others? If so, you are storing up lasting treasures in heaven. If your financial goal and possessions hinder you from
Giving generously, loving others or serving God, sell what you must to bring your life into perspective.

12:42-44. Jesus promises a reward for those who have been faithful to the Master. While we sometime experience immediate and material rewards for our obedience to God, this is not always the case.if so, we would be tempted to boast about our achievements and do good only for what we get. Jesus said that if we look for rewards now, we will lose them later. Our heavenly rewards will be the most accurate reflection of what we have done on earth. And they will be far greater than we can imagine.
Clara Radhakrishna