‘Power’ in the Word of God

Luke 5:5

Simon answered and said, ” Master, we worked all night and caught nothing, but I will do as You say and let down the nets. “
🐠🐟 Simon Peter was an expert fisherman. He had great knowledge and experience of 🎣 fishing over the years. But that one 🌃 night he caught no 🐠 fish even though he worked very hard the whole night.

🐠🐟 Here, we see that even expertise, knowledge and good experience can fail us at times in life. Simon Peter knew that Jesus was capable of performing miracles and he was also a witness to it before. So when Simon Peter was asked to let down his nets by Jesus, Simon obeyed Jesus ( Word of God) and his obedience lead him to catch a great quantity of fish 🐠🐟(Luke 1:6). Simon Peter realised that there was ‘ Power ‘ in the Word of God (Jesus) even though Jesus was not a fisherman by profession. ( Jesus knew carpentry work)

🎋 What is our response to people when we are advised to do something – especially when the person who advised us is not of our field or profession❓Do we obey, argue or poke fun at that person❓

🎋 Lord Jesus, Your Word has ‘Power ‘to perform miracles and do things that are
‘ impossible ‘ for man. Teach us Lord to be obedient to ‘Your Word’ even when we do not understand Your plans for us. Romans 8:28 says, ” We are well aware that God works with those who love him, those who have been called in accordance with his purpose, and turns everything to their good. ” or Jeremiah 29:11, “Yes, I know what plans I have in mind for you, Yahweh declares, plans for peace, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. “

🙏 Lord help me to believe in Your wonderful promises to have a bright ,beautiful and a successful future. Amen.
6975 – Patsy Fernandes

270 Days Bible Study Insights Luke 5-7
Jesus taught great crowds of people, especially through parables, which are stories with great truths. But only those who have ears to hear will understand. We should pray that God’s Spirit would help us understand the implications of these truths for our lives so we can become more and more like Jesus.

5:8. Simon (Peter) was awestruck at this miracle, and his first response was to feel his own insignificance in comparison to this man’s greatness. Peter knew that Jesus had healed the sick and driven out demons, but he was amazed that Jesus cared about his day-to-day routine and understood his needs. Good is interested not only in saving us, but also in helping us in our daily activities.

5:18-20. It wasn’t the paralytic’s faith that impressed Jesus, but the faith of his friends. Jesus responded to their faith and healed the man. For better or worse, our faith affects others. We cannot make another person a Christian, but we can do much through our words, actions, and love to give him or her a chance to respond. Look for opportunities to bring your friends to the living Christ.

5:30-32. The Pharisees wrapped their sin in respectability. They made themselves appear good by publicly doing good deeds and pointing at the sins of others. Jesus chose to spend time not with these proud, self-righteous religious leaders, but with people who sensed their own sin and knew that they were not good enough for God. In Order to come to God, we must repent; and in order to renounce our sin, we must recognise it for what it is.

6:2. The Pharisees thought their religious system had all the answers. They could not accept Jesus because he did not fit into their system. We could miss Christ for the same reason. Beware of thinking that you or your church has all the answers. . No religious system is big enough to contain Christ completely or to fulfill perfectly all his desires for the world.

6:20-23. These verses are called the Beatitudes, from the Latin word meaning “blessing”. They describe what means to be Christ’s follower; they are standards of conduct, they contrast kingdom values with worldly values, showing what Christ’s followers can expect from the world values, showing what Christ’s followers can expect from the world and what God will give them, they contrast fake piety with true humility, and finally, they show how Old Testament expectations are fulfilled in God’s kingdom.

6:35. Love means action. One way to Put love to work is to take the initiative in meeting specific needs. This is easy to do with people who love us, people whom we trust; but love means doing this even to those who dislike us or plan to hurt us. The money we give others should be considered a gift, not a high-interest loan that will help us more than them. Give as though you are giving God.

6:37,38. A forgiving spirit demonstrates that a person has received God’s forgiveness. Jesus uses the picture of measuring grain in a basket to ensure the full amount. If we are critical rather than compassionate, we will also receive criticism, if we treat others generously, graciously, and compassionately, however, these qualities will come back to us in full measure. We are to love others, not judge them.

6:42 We should not be so afraid of the label hypocrite that we stand still in our Christian life, hiding our faith and making no attempts to grow. A person who tries to do right but often fails is not a hypocrite. Neither are those who fulfill their duty even when they don’t feel like doing it—it is often necessary and good to set aside our desires in order to do what needs doing. It is not hypocrisy to be weak in faith. A hypocrite is a person who puts on religious behaviour in order to gain attention, approval, acceptance, or admiration for others.

6:46-49. Obeying God is like building a house on a strong, solid foundation that stands firm when storms come. When life is calm, our foundations don’t seem to matter. But when crises come, our foundations are tested. Be sure your life is built on the solid foundation of knowing and trusting Jesus Christ.

7:31-35. The religious leaders hated anyone who spoke the truth and exposed their own hypocrisy, and they did not bother to be consistent in their failtfinding. They criticised John the Baptist because he fasted and drank no wine: they criticised Jesus because he ate heartily and drank wine with tax collections and ‘sinners’. Their real objection to both men, of course, had nothing to do with dietary habits. What the Pharisees and experts in the law couldn’t stand wAs being exposed for their hypocrisy.

8:47. Overflowing love is the natural response to forgiveness and the appropriate consequence of faith. But only those who realise the depth of their sin can appreciate the complete forgiveness God offers them. Jesus has rescued all of his followers, whether they were once extremely wicked or conventionally good, from eternal death. Do you appreciate the wide ness of God’s mercy? Are you grateful for his forgiveness?
Clara Radhakrishna