Put God first

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

Put God first

Many times we keep God has a last resort instead of keeping him first in everything. Only when troubles come knocking our door we start seeking him and finding the word of promises which God had promised us. God just don’t want us to be a believer who just remember God and put him first on Sunday its a everyday thing. In everything, if you put God first, you will never last and all the things which your desiring will be added to you, if according to his will. This verse comes with an act and promise, you must seek God first and leave the rest unto his hands, he will do great and exceeding abundantly you never would have ask or imagined. In everything thing you do or the decision you make put him first in it and ask him for guidance for the way to go on. Sometimes we all make up our plans and then ask God to approve it as he has made it for us, as Proverbs 19:21 its says, Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails then the plan doesn’t work we blame God or get discouraged form the failures. But when we put first God everytime, we can get a clarity of the way and he will add up those things which your looking for, as your seeking him first, you will get to know, what God plans are for your life and move with boldness with his plans. Don’t let God be the last one you call on, seek him daily before you check your social media in the morning first, in troubles call upon him before you ask for solutions from anyone. Seek God and love him with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and put him first in everything in life then you will see God hands in everything.

Bieula Selvamani

Temptations of Messiah

Jesus was tempted by the devil for 40 days Luke 4:2 He resisted the devil for 40 days. We read about the last 3 temptations, Jesus overcame by the sword of the spirit.

After fasting for 40 days and 40 nights, Jesus was hungry and was tempted by satan to eat. Matt 4:1_4′ Turn the stones to bread to satisfy your hunger. Jesus refused to do so.

Do not place your physical needs above your spiritual needs Jesus used His power to multiply bread for 5000 men but never for Himself.

Matt 4:5_7 Jump off the temple roof and claim God’s promises
Jesus refused satan and did not do something spectacular to show He is man of God.So do not take a step that God has not told you to take.

Compromise: 4:8-10 Get the kingdom of the world and their glory by bowing to satan.

Jesus refused satan and chose the long difficult way of the cross. Jesus said only God has to be worshipped and not satan or money

Satan comes to us in different ways just like he came to Jesus. Jesus drove satan with the word of God. So also we should drive satan with His word.

Cynthia Sathiaraj