God’s Word is not in Lockdown

God’s Word is not in Lockdown and neither does it need reappearing, something that we can learn in this Lockdown at God’s Water Gate Nehemiah 3:26.

The Water Gate in Nehemiah 3:26 has a spiritual significance, at this Gate people come to hear the Word of God which is the Water of God’s Word, Ephesians 5:26. In Nehemiah 8:1 Ezra brings out The Book to read on a specially built plateform which was the Pulpit. Take note of something very interesting. Read Nehemiah Chapter 3 Verse 26 again. It says, made repairs up to a point opposite the Water Gate

At Every Gate, mentioned in Nehemiah Chapter 3, the words “made repairs”, “was repaired”, “was rebuilt” is written, but not for the Water Gate and Inspection Gate. The Word of God needs no repair! When We Park by God’s Water Gate Constantly, we can avoid the emotional, mental and physical trauma of this pandemic challenges. This is the gate from which we are fed and nourished. This the gate where we meet other hungry people and can have fellowship of encouragement.

💦Ezra was responsible for building the Temple and Nehemiah was responsible for building the Wall. We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit, 1 Corinthians 3:16 and We need to build a strong Wall of Protection through Prayer and the Word. When we do that The Lord God will be a Wall of Fire Around Us, Zechariah 2:5.

💦There are three groups of people in the The Book of Nehemiah that is necessary for any Christian Community Living the Kingdom Lifestyle, namely, the Worshippers, Nehemiah 4:9, The Watchers, Nehemiah 4:13 and the Workers, Nehemiah 4:16.

💦While a group of God’s People are busy doing God’s Work, there must be Watchers over the Walls and Worshippers in The House of God. Only then can there be Effective Work for the Lord. These three groups of people must be in the Church. There should be an Atmosphere of Worship and Prayer while any Church Projects or Programs or Outreach Work are being carried out. In this Lockdown, even if we cannot go to Church we must identify the three groups and we can serve in any of the three groups from our Corona Time House Churches.

💦Whenever I am preaching my cousin who lives in another time zone joins me to pray for me while I am preaching. Usually it is 1:30 am or 5:30am for her, yet she still wakes up for me. One of the positive things about the Lockdown is no matter where we are, we can join the Zoom which has become my Watergate. What satan meant for harm God has turned it around for me. As I am not a techie person and got only a little handphone, God came through for me to teach me to zoom around globally preaching or continue to write an insight and make the most of my portable Watergate, no matter what my restrictions and limitations are. It is God’s Hand that is at work

💦Child of God, Remember this, Gates are the entry points. Gates keep unwanted things out and protect the things we need. Let us Arise and Build our Walls with Solid Gates to keep the Temple of God Holy. The Ten Gates will give us a quick reference for our spiritual progress in this lockdown

💦Let’s learn some spiritual principles from the 10 gates mentioned that we can apply to any area of our lives,from Nehemiah Chapter 3….

💦Sheep Gate…V1- All the Sacrifical Sheep and Lambs were taken through this Gate. Jesus our Good Shepherd is our Sacrifical Lamb and the Gate and Door of our Salvation,John 10: 9 &12. Every Believer starts their Spiritual Life through this Gate.

💦Fish Gate…V3- The Fish for the Market was brought through this Gate. This Gate is a Reminder that God wants us to be the Fishers of Men, Matthew 4:19.

💦Old Gate…V6- The Old Gate is a Reminder that once we go through the Sheep Gate to become Fishers of Men, we must take off our Old Man and put on the New Man, Ephesians 4:22-23.

💦Valley Gate…V13- As Believers we will all experience the Valley at some point in life. But Remember, even though We walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, God is with us and His Rod and Staff will Comfort us, Psalm 23:4.

💦Dung Gate…V 14- This were all the rubbish is dumped. Everything that is not of God is dung and that was what Paul thought of his credentials, Phillipians 3:8. Let us take hold of Christ and dump all our waste and rubbish in this lockdown.

💦Fountain Gate …V15- Only after dumping our rubbish can we experience the Fountain of Life, Psalm 36:9 and the Rivers of Living Waters, John 7:38.

💦Water Gate …V26- At this Gate people come to hear the Word of God which is the Water of God’s Word, Ephesians 5:26 and we need to reset our lives and renew our minds during this lockdown, which is a golden opportunity

💦Horse Gate …V28- This Gate was used for the Warriors Horses that came after the Battle. Remember we are Warriors engaged in a spiritual battle. We have to be always battle ready and mounted for Warefare! Ephesians 6:11-18.

💦East Gate …V29 This is the Gate of The Hope of the Lord’s Coming. This is the Gate which is now shut, will be opened as the Lord Returns to Jerusalem. Every Believer should be ready for the Lord’s Return. Now more than ever with the Global Pandemic, the Global Stage is set at an increased pace ushering the Lord’s Return, 1 John 2:28.

💦Inspection Gate …V31- At this Gate, the Horses that went out for battle were Inspected. They had to be battle ready. Every Work that we have done will be Inspected, 1 Corinthians 3:12-13.

💦Sheep Gate …V32- Our Life begins and ends in the Finished Work of the Cross through Sacrifical Lamb. Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, Revelation 1:8. We start and end our walk at the Sheep Gate

💦The Book of Nehemiah has Amazing Spiritual Principles for our Christian Life. It is not a Recipe, Formula or Prescription to Follow but a Beautiful Guideline to check our Spiritual Growth in this Lockdown…Amen🙏

anniekoshy@God’s Thirstydeer🦌 Breaking the Chain with You….⛓️