The Man behind the Wall 🔰
All was well for Nehemiah. He led a happy, peaceful life serving in the Persian court as the cupbearer to king Artaxerxes. His prestigious position reveals that he was a man of integrity and was favored by the king.
His life as an ordinary, renowned citizen changed when he heard about the great trouble and disgrace of the Jewish remnants who survived the exile.
📖 When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven (Neh 1:4).
The pathetic plight of Jerusalem’s walls broken and burnt by fire melted his heart. The distress of his remnant country men distressed him. Nehemiah sat down in rude shock. Then he wept as grief overtook him. Then he mourned and lamented as we all do.
Nehemiah did not fail to act in his grief. He mourned and wept. Then he fasted and prayed to the God of heaven. His life changed when he fasted and prayed to the God of heaven. God slowly started using Nehemiah for His divine purpose of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem.
Nehemiah could have kept quiet on hearing about the disgrace of his people. He had everything in life. But that didn’t prevent Nehemiah from fasting and interceding for his people. Do we stand in the gap and plead for our families, friends and foes?
Dear ones in Christ, the work in God’s vineyard is vast and varied. But the labourers are few. God is searching to use ordinary people like you and me provided we intercede. Let the pandemic crisis make us mourn, weep, fast and pray to the God of heaven.
Allot quality time to fast and be on our knees for our brethren and the present crisis of the world. We need to consecrate ourselves for His service. May God’s will be done in our lives and through our lives. It is time to rededicate ourselves to Him to use us in the ways He wants to use us. Let us turn to be channels of blessings.
Mrs Sheela Jebakumar ✍️
October 28, 2020