God has set us up as His Lampstands in this Lockdown

Lockdown Reflections…📝
Food from my Host’s Kitchen Table 🍽️🍯🥛🍴
Take a Break with Jesus in the Lockdown 🍞☕
Day 31, 270 Days Bible Reading, Friday, 14.8.20.✒

God has set us up as His Lampstands in this Lockdown… Numbers 7:89 – 8:4

🕯️Instructions were given to the Priest to work in Tabernacle from the light that comes from the Lampstand, which will light up the area in front of the Lamps, Numbers 8:2. Unless the Priest stands in the lighted area he won’t be able to see clearly. The seven lamps will givegive him enough light to function. The Holy Spirit will give us enough light and unction to function. The Holy Spirit will give us the illumination we need for our minds to carry out God’s work.

🕯️There were no windows in the Tabernacle and therefore no natural sunlight. The Priests could only Minister unto the Lord from the Light they got from the Lampstand.

🕯️God will give us enough light for us walk in His Ways through the Word, to ignite our spirit in this infected world to bring hope and comfort to those around us. A lighted Tabernacle dispels darkness. We are the light of the world, lighted to lighten. The Priests had to make sure the lights never went out. Our lights should never be put out in this lockdown when we are facing crisis and so many challenges.

🕯️The central lamp of the Lampstand is lighted with the flame from the Altar. After that the other six lamps were lighted from the flame from the central lamp, one to the other. Jesus our High Priest should be the central lamp in our lives and He has set us up as His Lampstands and from His Light we are to be the Lighthouse in our Communities, to give can give out enough light to those who are standing in front of us, so that, they too can catch the spark of our flame to light up others.

🕯️The Lampstand, the Seven Lamps and the Oil in the Lamps are all symbolic of the Church in the World. A candlestick or lamp without oil is of no use. Oil which is not burning is of no use. So a Church without the influence of the Holy Ghost is lifeless. If the Church has a measure of this light, and do not let it shine by purity of living and holy zeal for the Gospel, before men, the existence as followers of Jesus Christ is neither useful to themselves nor to others.

🕯️When a candle is not lighted, there can be no light from it. But if someone lights it, that person has brought a powerful force which is applied to the wick of the candle.
A man has no understanding of what is going on his life except when the spirit of man within him enlightens him on that, through the Power of Holy Spirit. This means that it is the Spirit of God that can reveal the things of God to a man, 1 Corinthians 2:10, Proverbs 20:27

🕯️Child of God, Remember this, God is Light, 1John 1:5. His nature is Light and if we have God in us, we should be glowing and flowing in His Light. It is possible to be part of a Church and not be an influencer. It is possible to have a measure of the Spirit and not make an impact around us. Jesus is seen standing in Midst the Seven Churches which are the Seven Golden Lampstands, Revelation 1:13.

In the Tabernacle the Lampstand had Seven Lamps and the one in the Centre had to be lighted from the fire from the Brazen Altar that God Himself lighted, but the priests must fuel it continuously, Leviticus 6:12-13.

🕯️Jesus went through the the fiery altar of the cross so that you and I can be Lighted Up in the Darkest of Places. Let Jesus Shine through us in this Pandemic Lockdown to bring Hope and Healing in midst of sickness, sorrow and sadness through The Word of God, which is the Lamp to the feet and light to the path, Psalm 119:105…Amen🙏

anniekoshy@God’s Thirstydeer🦌 Breaking the Chain with You….⛓️