Make wrongs right
God’s law says restitution is necessary.Restitution is acting to make wrongs right. Those who wrong others, must confess their sin, and then restore whatever has been lost, plus 20 percent. They demonstrate real sorrow by paying back the damages.
If no surviving relative can receive the restitution, then restitution is to be made, given to the Lord, thro the priest. No one can shrug off the harm they do to others.
Cynthia Sathiaraj
Numbers 6:24-26 “The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace“
It is an awesome prayer of blessing.
Bless is a spiritual word.
Blessing is the act of declaring God’s favor and goodness upon others.
God commanded the priests to pronounce a blessing on His people, a people wandering in the wilderness.
He wanted this blessing pronounced on the people again and again: “The LORD bless you and keep you;
In Psalm 67, basically it recounts this. “May God be gracious to you and bless you, cause his face to shine upon you, so that his ways may be known on earth and his saving power known among all nations.”
These verses are the desire of God’s heart for His people.
What more do we need?
Blessing is the opposite of cursing.
If God of the universe, the Creator of all things is favorable toward us then we need nothing more.
God only wants the best for His children. His desire is to bless us.
Each promise is a blessing and each blessing a gracious gift from the Lord.
He loves us!!!
Even Though we don’t deserve it, He is more willing to bless us through His covenant love and affection.
So let us expect the blessings from God and enjoy His goodness.
Be thankful for the gift of His Son Jesus, which is His greatest blessing to us each day of our lives.
For the Lord to lift up His countenance upon us and give us peace.
Jooley Mathew Z
📖 The Lord bless you and keep you – Numbers 6:24 📖
It is the tri-unity of the Godhead that is being called upon to bless us in this verse. It is Father, Son and Holy Spirit as One, that is being implored to illuminate our heart and lead us in the way of righteousness and peace. It is through the unity of the Trinity that we are presented with the many precious promises of our salvation, our sanctification, our glorification and an eternal heritage, that is kept for us in heaven.
During Old Testament days it was the high priest who was God’s appointed mediator between God and man – and between man and God. It was the high priest who was called upon to pray blessing over His people Israel.
Today Jesus is now appointed our great High Priest and He is now the one and only Mediator between God and man. It is the united Godhead, Who are calling us into blessed union with Christ and sweet communion with our Father in heaven. It is the eternal God, Who is being invoked to bless us.
Each promise is a blessing and each blessing a gracious gift from the Lord. By God’s grace, we have been called to be a kingdom of priests, through whom blessings from God are being poured out, through us to others. In the ages that are to come, the church is to be an example to the angelic host, of the incomparable riches of God’s amazing grace, which are seen in His BLESSINGS towards us – in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Heavenly father thank you for the word you have given us. Lord bless us all and keep us and may He cause His face to shine upon us and be gracious to us and give us His peace – so that we may be used by Him to be channels of blessing, through Whom the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit may be poured out in great measure to others, this day. and for evermore,
In Jesus name we pray,
A lost sheep found by Jesus 🐑 ✝️