Open Door/ Heart for 270 Days Bible Reading

It is few hours to the D-day. May I share with you what Brother Gbile Akanni’s said in his book: “What God looks for in his vessel“.

He said in Gen 2:4-7 as long as there was no man to till the ground, God withheld the rain. It was after God formed the man that he began to release rain. We are created for His use as vessels. He said there are ministries going on today but the best way to describe them as far as God is concerned is just a ‘mist’ in the absence of rain.

Therefore, God has called us, God looks at the heart of the men He uses ( the parable of the sower in Mk 4:13). The gospel is God’s powerful method of changing men. It is God’s rescue plan for dying men. He mentioned types of hearts: wayside hearts, stony hearts, entangled hearts, and the fruitful hearts. Which heart is mine, which one is yours?

So, “the heart of the problem is the problem of the heart“ is it honest heart as in Luke 8:15; Jer.17:9-10. We need God’s word in our hearts, get the word embedded in our life to give permanent result as in James1:21-25 as we know harvest happen at the end of planting season (Prov.23:26; Gen 8:22).

Let us pray that God will wean us, interrupt us as He interrupted Abraham, Moses, Elisha, Nehemiah, Virgin Mary, Saint Peter and the twelve disciples.

We should know that Jesus rewards those He interrupted i.e Simon, in Luke 5:4-6.

We must be incubated for divine life formation and transformation just as the Hen broods over the eggs before it becomes chick.

We have the opportunity during this lockdown (see Jesus example in Mark 3:13. Moses and God in Exodus 3: 2-7).

Therefore, one thing that is needful (see Luke 10:38-42). That cannot be taken away from you, the Bible

May God grant us open doors as we journey through reading of the Bible for 270 days starting from few hours from now. We need to pray so as not to be distracted from the reading and contributions of insights. ”The secret of praying is praying in the secret!” That is the secret of anointing.

Let us keep at it. Dont be drawn away into ‘busyness’ like Martha, at the expense of reading of the Bible. Buy time to pray and study the word of God. All we might lose by being in the secret place of prayer and reading the Bible shall be rewarded as seen in scripture in Jesus name. Amen 🙏