God’s wisdom is given in the spirit not in the soul
☘️ Day145 (Proverbs 18-22) ☘️
To associate with the church, one needs to deny his self-will and his own desires. A fool doesn’t like this. He separates himself and goes on his way. finally brings shame and reproach not only upon himself but also on his descendants. God’s wisdom is given in the spirit not in the soul. It is in the deep, not on the beech. It can be attained by those who are “understanding”. (20:5)
Don’t side with those who disconnect the church, accusing righteous believers. Shake your hands from unrighteous gain. Only those who have some faults, are ready to give bribe, don’t receive it. Don’t allow unrighteous to attract you by means of money. By your speech, by the fruit of lips, people can recognise who you are. So don’t pour oil on fire. Never allow your tongue cause strife in the Assembly. Restrain it , control it, if you want to see good and blessings.
Our Lord didn’t go to prove when He was falsely accused. His resurrection proved that He was true. You also will have a risen again experience which will prove that you were right. *
Family life is God’s earthily blessing. If your gift is different, go ahead as per His wish, (1Cor 7:7) but don’t make it a doctrine , saying that celebacy is great and God pleasing. It will become the doctrine of devil. (1Timothy 4 :3,4) it is better to marry than living in an immoral life, being single.
Wine and strong drink spoil wisdom. “Harlotry, wine, and New wine take away the understanding”. Says prophet Hosea. (4:11) Daniel and his three friends were given larger amount of wisdom because they kept themselves in purity, not being defiled by the delicacies of the palace. (Daniel 1:8, 17)
Enjoy the pleasures of this world, worship other gods, then you will see the great loss of your God-given wisdom and understanding. Solomon himself is an example.
Our God is a Holy God, and Holiness has special value in His sight. We can go astray even after knowing everything unless we give not proper consideration to Holy Life.
🌳 Insight by Brother Francis David