Hearing Ears, Seeing Eyes
The hearing (shâma‛) ear and the seeing (râ’âh) eye, the LORD has made them both. [Pro 20:12]
(shâma‛): to listen attentively, intelligently, with the intent to obey.
(râ’âh): to give attention to, observe, consider, perceive, discern…
The one common factor in both is attentiveness.
Teachers love attentive students. Attentive students focus on what is being taught, and ignore the distractions around them.
Consequence: they understand better, and are able to apply/use the knowledge they have gained appropriately.
👉🏽 God has created us with the ability to shâma‛ & (râ’âh).
Problem: ¬we often use this ability to focus on and engage with the world, rather than observing what God is doing, or tuning in to listen to God’s voice.
In the Nativity narrative [Luke 2:22-38], there are 2 people who used their God-given hearing ears, and seeing eyes.
40 days after Jesus was born, Joseph and Mary walked into the Temple with Jesus to “present” Him to God, and make the atonement offerings for Mary.
The High Priest and Herod did not recognise the King who entered Jerusalem. The priest who offered the atoning sacrifice did not recognise the Royal High Priest who was being presented to God.
But, Simeon, was one of God’s “watchmen”. He had been watching and waiting for the promised consolation of Israel.
The Holy Spirit was with him, and led him to be at the Temple at the moment when Joseph & Mary carried Jesus in. The Holy Spirit gave him eyes to look past the baby wrappers to see/discern the Messiah.
There was another lady – Anna – who had hearing ears & seeing eyes. The Holy Spirit brought her to the Temple, she recognised the fulfilment of her desires & prayers in that Baby – and she spoke about Him to all who were waiting for God to set Jerusalem free.
👉🏽 But did you notice something? No one else was excited about it… there was no hubbub of people gathering to see the baby.
It made me really stop and think.
🤔How easy it is to miss what God is doing and speaking, because I am distracted with the ordinary busyness of the day…
Simeon & Anna allowed their footsteps to be guided by the Holy Spirit –
🤔Am I guided by schedules or the Holy Spirit?
Abba Father, please help me … I want to have hearing ears and seeing eyes. Help me to discern and focus on what YOU are doing and speaking… and help me to walk in step with You partnering in what YOU want me to do and say. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Standing before Kings because of our excellence
Proverbs 22:29
“Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before unknown men“.
Daniel had the spirit of excellence; this made his work so meticulous that he was trusted by pagan kings and no one could find fault in him (Dan 6:3-4).
It is hard to find people with this spirit of excellence. I have seen more who hide their talent (as this could lead to more work🙄), than those who take their talents seriously, using them with such excellence that they are given more duties (Matt 25:14-30).
As followers of Christ, who did everything to the best of His ability as a human, shouldn’t we too do the same?
We have been called to walk in His footsteps, wherever that leads us (1 Peter 2:21) and we know that one day, as we stand before the King of kings, we will have to answer for our workmanship here on earth.
Whatever we have to do, at work or at home let us make it our mission to do it the best way possible with excellence, never forgetting that we are His ambassadors, representing His excellence here on earth (2 Cor 5:20).
Stay blessed.
Adeline Albert