A lifestyle of Worship
Psalm 101:6
“My eyes shall be on the faithful of the land, That they may dwell with me; He who walks in a perfect way, He shall serve me.“
David looked at the faithful, deciding that they would dwell with him. When he looked for leaders, he looked for the faithful of the land.
A wise leader will always look for the faithful ones before giving authority to them.
In a similar way, our saviour and Lord Jesus Christ’s eyes are upon His faithful ministers of the word, who preach the Gospel faithfully. He rewards them with a crown of life that never fades.
Christ’s eyes are also on faithful members of the church who hold fast the faithful word. He protects and preserves them from perishing that they may dwell with Him and be with Him in judgment.
God loves people with faithful hearts and delights to have them trust in him!!!
Licy John, Hyderabad – 7067
Psalm 100
👉If you woke up this morning with more health than illness…you are more blessed than the 6 million, who will not survive this week.
👉 If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation…you are ahead of 500 million people in the world.
👉If you can attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture or death…you are more blessed, than three billion people in the world.
👉If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead, and a place to sleep…you are richer than 75% of this world.
👉If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish in someplace…you are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy.
What if we had to put a price tag on all our other blessings?
🙏What God has done for us leads to Thanksgiving
🙏What God has done in general leads to Praise
🙏Who God is leads to Worship
🙏We become like whom we worship.
🙏If we worship superficial things, our lives become superficial.
🙏If we worship perverted things our lives become perverted.
🙏If we worship evil things our lives become evil.
🙏If we worship the true God we become godly.
😩Complaining makes us miserable.
😇Worship is about being “GLAD”
🤝The Hebrew word for worship, can be translated, “SERVE.”
🤝Thanksgiving is not just about service, it is about being GLAD in service!!
🤝If we are not Glad, we are not worshiping as our Lord wants!!
😇Worship is about “SINGING
🎼It is about getting into the presence of God.
🎹Music can draw you closer to God
😇Worship is about “KNOWING
🎯The Psalmist knows that we cannot rightly give thanks unless we know who God is.
🎯Therefore he calls us to “Know that the Lord is God!
🎯It is an acknowledgement of God for who HE is!!
😇Worship sees God as “Creator”
👍It is He who made us, and we are His.
👍We are His people the sheep of His pasture.
👍We can experience the transcendence of God all around us!
👍Everywhere we look we can see, He is Creator
👍We can feel His presence all around us.
👍When we look up at the starry night, we can see how the psalmist declared “the heavens declare the Glory of God and the earth shows His handiwork”
👍We can see His miracles around us.
👍We can feel His presence near us, for it is in Him that we live and move and have our being.
👍All your works shall praise you, O Lord, they shall speak of the glory of your kingdom and of your power.
👍Experience with childlike awe and wonder the God whose glory fills the universe.
💥Worship must be a lifestyle.
💥Worship is a lifestyle of glorifying God.
💥Presence of God inhabits our praise.
💥When our worship fills our day, everything flourishes from God’s presence.
💥Worshipping as a lifestyle is commanded by Scripture and allows us to walk in the presence of the Holy Spirit.