God can show His power in us and through us
Psalm 119:11 “Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.”
The theme of this unique psalm is the Word of God.
Every verse except five (84, 90, 121, 122, 132) refers to God’s Word, what
it is and what it can do in your life if you let it.
The arrangement is also unique.
There are twenty-two sections of eight lines each, and
the lines in each individual section begin with the same
letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
The first eight lines begin with Aleph, the next eight with Beth, and so on through all twenty-two letters.
Psalm 119 contains ten different names for the Word of God:
word, law, saying, statutes, way, commandments, path, testimonies, precepts, and judgments.
The above verse contains the secret of true Christian living.
Many Christians have memorized Psalm 119.
But Psalm 119:11, is not just referring only to memorization of His words, rather it speaks about to treasure the word of God in our hearts.
A mere knowledge of the Word will not keep us from sin, but when the Word is
treasured up in the heart, we have the weapons with which to meet and conquer the foe.
When we take the time to read, study, and memorise God’s Word, it shows that we are giving priority to His words and cultivating an attitude of treasuring the Scripture.
Sometimes when I feel worried, anxious, fearful, or depressed, the memorized verses can get my mind back on the track to God’s goodness and love..
Scripture strengthens us for battle and encourages our weary hearts when we’re not sure we can go on.
*No matter how weak we feel, God can show His power in us and through us.
Meditating on Scripture strengthens our hearts when life’s challenges leave us feeling weak.
Jooley Mathew Z
Help me to prefer obedience to making money Psv119:36
Many people are obsessed with money. They look to cash_not to christ_for security, self worth, and satisfaction. Riches are able to solve only our economic problems. Love of money can lead to sin.
Pray that we must be more conceited with obeying God, His word than making money.
Cynthia Sathiaraj