I am continually with you

Psalm 73:23 – 26. David is telling in Psalm 23 that, “You are with me.” But Asaph is telling here that, “I am continually with You.” This shows how they both were in close and loving relationship with the Lord.

Their desire, thirst, ambition everything was to be with the Lord in close relationship. That’s why Asaph is telling, whom have l in heaven but you? There is none upon earth, that l desire besides You. Today, can we say that my desire in my life is to be with the Lord in unity ? We can say this, only if we obey the first and most important commandment, to love the Lord with all our heart, all our mind and with all our strength.

When we come into this close relationship, He will become the strength of our heart and our portion forever.

What are the blessings we receive when we are continually with Him ( His presence )?

  1. He will hold us by our right hand.
  2. He will guide us with His counsel.
  3. Afterwards He will receive us to glory

Yes, let us always or continually with Him or in His presence. Let us meditate about Him, about His love, sacrifice and teachings. Let us love Him and His word of God and prepare us to enter in to His glory or heaven. Amen. Hallelujah.

Dr. Padmini Selvyn.

Psalms: 73 – 77
Simple thoughts for
💫deeper meditation .

Psalm 77:1, 12

“I cried out to God for help,
I cried out to God to hear me
When I was in distress, I
sought the Lord, at night I
stretched out untiring hands
and I would not be comforted —– I will consider
all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds”

Asaph, Jeduthan (Ethan) and Heman were muscicians, who led temple worship.
(1 Chronicles: 16:42 and
2 Chronicles: 5:12)

⚡ This Psalm was written
by Asaph and tuned by
Jeduthan. Here Asaph tells
the disappointment of
feeling as if God has
abandoned him. Asaph prayed all night long, but he
would not be comforted.
He remembered God, groaned, meditated but his
spirit grew faint.

⚡ We can tell everything,
pour out our heart before God, and be honest about
our feeling. We can ask Him
anything. His answer may not come right away or in the form we want or expect,
but He won’t criticize us for

⚡ Now, Asaph looked back
and remembered what God
has done in the past for His
people. When the Israelites were trapped between the
Red sea and Pharaoh’s army,
God parted the Red Sea and
they walked through on dry
land. (Exodus: 14: 10-22)
Asaph wrote,” I will remember the deeds of the
Lord, yes, I will remember
your miracles of long ago”
( vrs: 11& 12 )

⚡ When Asaph remembered and recounted the mighty works, God had
done for His people in the
past, and when he reflected
and meditated on God’s
holiness (vr.13) he was
assured of God’s greatness,
goodness, and guidance.
(vrs. I4-20)

In dealing with disappointment, we can either focus on our loss or on God Himself. Through this Psalm, the Lord invites us to look to Him and see the scope of His goodness,
His presence with us and His eternal love.

So this Psalm gives us the following lessons:
⚡Look up and pray
⚡Look back and remember what God has done in the past.

💫 Look forward and Look again.
Our extremities are God’s

Dr. Thomas David.🎯