Meditation Pslam gives you a good opportunity
🍇 Psalms: 26 – 32
Simple thoughts for
💫 deeper meditation .
Psalm: 32: 5
“Then l acknowledged my
sin to you and did not cover
up my iniquity. I said, I will
confess my transgressions
to the Lord-and you forgave
the guilt of my sin.”
The 32nd Psalm written
by David is an exemplary Psalm of instruction which
teaches us that, if we confess our sins, God – out
of His Grace-will forgive us. David understands the value
of confession because he
first tried to resist it. He hid
his faults, sealed his heart
and lips and would not speak out his sins, but the
result was agony and groaning all day.
⚡ David, the man after
God’s own heart, the man
who composed so many of
the Psalms, the man chosen by the Lord to lead His people-Israel- committed
unspeakable vile and callous act. He lusted after
his neighbour’s wife,
committed adultery with her,
and had her husband killed
to cover it all up. If a man
like David can fall into sin, and burdened with guilt, then who are we to think, we
are above or beyond such
things? If a man like David
can cry out to to the Lord for
forgiveness, then should not
we be doing the same?
⚡Sin has an annoying
tendency to nag our mind and bother our conscience.
Unconfessed sins lead to
a troubled heart. David
confessed his sins and was
⚡ The main theme of this
Psalm is the joy of forgiveness. Once David
confessed his sins, his
transgressions were forgiven and his conscience
was cleansed, and he
regained the joy of salvation
God will do the same for us.
In this Psalm David emphasised the futility of
trying to conceal his sins. He had gone through anxiety and depression while hiding
his sins.
⚡Dear friend,
are you struggling with any
unconfessed sins in your
life? The meditation on this
Pslam gives you a good
opportunity to cast over your
burdens on Him, who is
waiting to cleanse you with
His precious blood.
( 1 John: 1:9 )
The Bible reminds,” Whoever
conceals their sins does not
prosper, but the one who
confesses and renounces
them finds mercy”
( Proverbs: 28: 13 )
When God forgives, our guilt
is gone.
Dr. Thomas David.🎯