Psalm 11 to 15
Psalm 11
What must I do when I see the wicked prepare their bows and put their arrows on a string to shoot in the darkness on the morally upright, vs 2?
There is just one thing that I need to do in such a situation, viz. take shelter in the Lord, and by no means flee to the mountains like a bird, vs 1. The book of Daniel mentions in Chapter 11:32 that the people who know their God will act valiantly in troubled times.
No, we need not be presumptuous, but nevertheless, we never need flee in fear, because when we are perfected in God’s love, all fear is cast out, 1John 4:18. We need to fight, not for ourselves, but for the foundations of righteousness to be preserved, even if it means that we will suffer as a result! For if the foundations are destroyed, what can the godly accomplish vs 3?
However, we make sure not to use carnal weapons to put up a carnal fight! But the weapons of our warfare are not human weapons, but are made powerful by God for tearing down strongholds. We tear down arguments and every arrogant obstacle that is raised up against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought captive to make it obey Christ, 2 Corinthians 10:4,5.
It is through such persistent intercessory prayer and self judgment that we are assured of victory in this season, 2 Chronicles 7:14. As we seek God in this way, He will lead us in his perfect plan of action and enable us to be bold and powerful witnesses for Him in these troubled and perplexing times. All through this time we need to remind ourselves that God approves of the godly and hates the wicked and those who love to do violence vs 5, and that His eyes watch and examine all people from His throne in heaven, vs 4.
Certainly the LORD is just; and rewards godly deeds; the upright will experience his favor, vs 7. We must not doubt this, no matter what we see or how we feel in our present situations, for His Word assures us that the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him, 2 Chronicles 16:9. It may take a while for Him to act, but as we remain faithful and patient, we will find it to be worth the wait, for He never disappoints those who expectantly wait for Him, Isaiah 49:23!
On the contrary, they will find their strength renewed, so as to mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint, Isaiah 40: 31. May we all seek Him wholeheartedly so as to be in this number. Amen.
Psalm 15
This Psalm tell us about the type of person who can reside with God, whom, His Word says, is a consuming fire, vs 1, Hebrews 12:29, Isaiah 33:14-17.
So what does living with God entail?
- I need to walk uprightly or be blameless vs 2. I can be blameless only when I understand my errors, cleanse myself from secret faults and presumptuous sin, Psalms 19:12,13.
- I need to be a person of integrity and speak with sincerity of heart, nothing of guile or deceit should be found in me, vs 2.
- I must not spread false stories about my neighbour, or harm him or insult him, behind his back, without first clarifying matters with him so as to know the actual truth vs 3.
- I must hate the deeds of a vile/wicked person and not side him in his sin, vs 4.
- I must wholeheartedly stand by the loyal followers of the Lord who fear Him, vs 4.
- Whenever I give my word, or make a promise, I must keep it at all cost, vs 4, which means that I must be very careful with my words.
- I must not lend out my money by taking interest or particularly high rates of interest, especially from God’s people, vs 5.
- I must not take a bribe in order to twist justice in favour of the wicked, vs 5.
If I live in this manner, Psalm 15:5 assures me that *no matter what comes my way, I shall not be moved! Those who live like this, and who are honest and quick to repent when they fall into these sins, so as to be cleaned by the blood of Jesus, show that they trust in the Lord and will be like mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever. But as for those who are bent on walking in their crooked ways, the LORD shall lead them forth with the workers of iniquity.
Psalm 125:1,5. It is only those, who live in this manner, who can rightfully claim the promises mentioned in Psalm 91. *What a blessed assurance in these days of evil and uncertainty!
Let us determine to wholeheartedly pursue such a lifestyle, by God’s grace, and so be part of the Psalm 91 company. Amen.
Rowena Thomas
Mumbai, India.