Strange Restoration…!!!
“I restored that which I took not away” (Psa 69:4).
The true Christian spirit is to restore that which one did not take away. Sounds strange, doesn’t it? What is this? The devil took away our health, joy, love, peace, etc. from us – which Jesus restored to us. This is the ministry entrusted to us also.
If someone hates you, it is because the devil has taken love away from him. He certainly must be miserable. What should you do then? If you are a true child of God, you will restore to him the love he lost, by loving him in a very special way. If you cannot love him and do good to him, it means the devil has taken away from you the greatest and most important divine quality – love. “Now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity (love)” (I Cor 13:13).
The devil has taken away love from millions of souls; they arestarved of true love. Let us restore to them what the devil has taken away and what the world cannot offer – divine love, forgiving love. The devil is also actively involved in the business of taking peace away from people, families and homes. Shall we then go about restoring peace wherever we go? Jesus “made” peace by His death on the cross, and He wants us too to be peace “makers” by making a sacrifice (of our self-interest, self-concern, etc.).
How many of us can say with Jesus, “I restored that which I took not away”?
- TPM Morning Manna
Stay Blessed 😊
Psalm 69:3 I am worn out calling for help my throat is parched My eyes fail, looking for my God
David recounted a long list of sufferings which made him to despair. But I pray to you O lord David cries, David feels he is sinking in despair, but he knows God who loves him will answer his prayer in perfect timing. God can be trusted because He is loving and merciful.vs 16. David is absolutely confident, inspite of his bleak circumstances. God will hear him and rescue him.
When we feel ourselves sinking fast, we need not resign ourselves to our fate. We should chose to cry and tell God how we feel in humble faith as our Lord did.
Heb 5:7 During the days of Jesus life in earth, He offered prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save Him from death and He was heard because of His reverent submission.
Cynthia Sathiaraj