The Book of Psalms 127-134

It is the Lord who provides shelter, security and food. A good harvest is not the achievement of endless toil, but it is the result of God’s blessing. Children are God’s gift and a sign of His favour. Fathers with many sons have many defenders when they are falsely accused.

To have many sons is truly God’s reward and testifies to God’s favour toward them. Those who fear the Lord and walk in His ways are blessed. His wife would be faithful and fruitful like a vine. Children would be like olive shoots. Both had the blessing of productivity and long life.

Israel prayed for the continued withering of her enemies.The enemies did not succeed in their efforts to totally destroy Israel or hold her permanently in bondage. They wished that their enemies wither like grass on the sun baked house tops.

A testimony of trust in the Lord by one who knows that even though he is a sinner the Lord hears his cry and forgives him. The Lord’s love is unfailing and His Redemption is perfect. A confession of humble trust in the Lord. As a weaned child trusts fully in its mother, Israel had to put her hope and trust in the Lord.

David made an oath that he would not sleep till he finds a resting place for the Lord. The Temple was the resting place for the Lord after He had been moving about in a tent. It is God’s righteousness that affects the salvation of His people.

The temple would be a house of prayer for Israel. The Lord God chose Zion for His dwelling. He would bless His people with provisions, clothes for the priests, and salvation and joyful singing for the saints. A song of praise of brotherly unity among the people of God. God blesses them when they are united.

🎷 Psalm 135-138 🎷

A call to praise the Lord, the one true God, the Lord of all creation, Lord over all the nations, Israel’s Redeemer. The Lord’s triumph over Egypt and over the kings whose land became Israel’s inheritance. Idols are powerless and those who make and trust in them are powerless too.

Israel is called to give thanks unto the Lord for His great deliverance from Egypt and over the kings whose land became Israel’s inheritance. The Lord led the people through the desert performing many miracles with His outstretched hand and finally led them into the promised Land. Give thanks unto the Lord for He is good and His mercy endures for ever.

A mournful song of the exile when they sat by the rivers hanging their harps on the willows. The tormentors demanded songs of joy. They could never sing in a foreign land away from Jerusalem. They only wished that Babylon may be doomed to destruction. A song of praise for God’s saving help against threatening foes.

God’s love and faithfulness is displayed in His answers to prayer. They wished and hoped that all the kings of the earth may come and join in the praise of the Lord. The Lord cares for the humble. He would preserve, love, save and fulfill His purposes in the life of David.

Mrs Caroline Chellappa 📝