Upward & Onward
So much of the previous Psalms focused on the distress of Man, the sin of Man, the need of Man, the pleas of Man… but now… the Psalms leads us to turn our gaze away from the shadows of earth to gaze on the holiness of God…
These Psalms invite us to forget about ourselves, concentrate on God, meditate on HIM – His beauty, His kindness, His authority, His power, His righteousness, the integrity and thoughtfulness with which He has created all things…
When we read the news, Man gets magnified in our eyes. Governments seem powerful, and we fear that the decisions they take will steer us into troubled times. And we begin to see them as the controller of our future…BUT… these Psalms call us to fill our eyes with the Glory of the True King.
👑 Jehovah reigns; let the people tremble. He sits between the cherubs; …
[Ps 99:1]
Tremble = râgaz (Hebrew) = tremble, quake, rage, quiver, be agitated, be excited, be perturbed
Humanity can tremble with terror, rage in rebellion or be agitated with anxiety…
👑 BUT, look at God – He is seated… He is not running around, tutting over the crises on earth. He knows the end from the beginning. He knows His own, and has prepared cushions of grace for each one of us – before the foundation of the world!
❤️God hears the cry of the destitute (those stripped of everything). He does not ignore their pleas for help. The High & Holy King of Heaven, humbles Himself to hear the pleas of those on death row.
[Rf Ps 102:17-20]
❤️Christmas reminds us that God did indeed hear the cry of sin-enslaved humanity, and He sent His Son to break the bars of death and lead the condemned prisoners from death to life.
❤️ God has proved His love by giving us His greatest treasure, the gift of his Son. And since God freely offered Him up as the sacrifice for us all, …
[Rom 8:32a TPT]
❓ Is there anything else He wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us?
[Rom 8:32b]
But there is something we have to do as well…
🔑 We have to come to Him in sincere repentance, with a true desire to stop partnering with evil, with a desire to walk yoked with Jesus on the “flyover of holiness”…
❓ Would one try to drive a car with one wheel on the flyover and the other on the road below? Ridiculous isn’t it? we know that it is a recipe for certain death.
But, sadly, that is exactly what we often do as we live our lives. One foot on the “flyover of holiness” and one on the “pathway to hell”. Any guesses where that will lead us?
Look at Israel’s history… that’s what they were doing. Where did they land up?
🔑 God-focused eyes lead to a God-centered heart, lead to feet that walk a straight path on the “flyover of holiness”.
Result: the shadows of earth are dispelled, we feast at God’s Table of Grace, and we overflow the abundance of His joy.
Abba Father, help me to turn my eyes and my thoughts to You. Help me to meditate on YOU, not on the injustices & brokenness of earth. Help me to walk with both feet on the “flyover of holiness”. In Jesus Name. Amen.