Accepting others and go beyond the Cross

God accepts me, despite my messy life, impure motives, and irritating attitudes. One of the ways I reflect God’s love and bring him glory is to accept each other just as he accepts me. I need to accept others unconditionally, just as Christ has accepted me unconditionally. Learning to please others rather than ourselves is one way God sanctifies us.

Truth is: We grow in holiness as we obey God’s commands.

People try to eliminate the message of the cross. The cross stands as the symbol of Christianity. But its symbolism has no value to someone who doesn’t understand what Christ did on that cross. He died there to provide forgiveness. I must go beyond the symbol of the cross and trust the Son of God who died there. The cross is a symbol of freedom, from sin, separation, and shame; for there my redemption was purchased; Salvation in Christ’s Holy name. 

Truth is:  The way to heaven begins at the foot of the cross.

To God be the Glory!
Br. John Rajan/Admin.,
GCO. Shanthi Samuel,