How can a disciple of Jesus Christ gain a servant’s heart?

How can a disciple of Jesus Christ gain a servant’s heart? Romans 15:1-6, this passage serves as another reminder that leadership is about serving others, not wielding power. Here in the Kingdom of God, Leaders lose the Right to Be Selfish. Notice how Paul describes a servant of the Lord.

First and foremost principle of the Kingdom of God is Self-denial that is we are to please others, not ourselves. We are to add Value to others, i.e. to develop others in Christ. We are to forgive others, We are to look to Jesus as our role model, imitate Christ. Takes the attitude of student, means to remain teachable. Always to Pursue harmony of relationships, pursuing unity and peace through the love of Christ.

How are we to respond to others who hold values different from our own? Paul speaks about the gray areas not of ETERNAL issues or absolute truths. Subjects that are questionable and maybe even fuzzy. Christians can differ on these issues and still be part of the same organization. On these issues, no Scripture declares right or wrong. Paul’s Counsel for these kind of situations are to be open, not condescending, remember everyone answers to the lord and not to you, cling to your own convictions, whatever your values, your motive should be to please god. You are ultimately accountable to god. Do not cause anyone to stumble, make love your highest aim, anything is wrong that is not done out of personal faith. Always pursue peace and adding value to people

In Romans 16: 1–21. We read about Paul sending his personal greetings to a variety of individuals in Rome. Perhaps this was, Paul’s way of establishing credibility with his readers, since he had never visited Rome. In any case, we see the warm, relational approach this tough leader practiced

Note that the first few people Paul greets are women. Many pillars of the early church were faithful ladies who ministered and gave strong leadership. Jesus’ life began with a woman named Mary and ended at His resurrection with a woman at the tomb. Recall several significant women in the New Testament, if we name twenty three significant women were the pillars in the early church along with Jesus and apostles started with ANNA AND ENDING WITH SUSANNA (LUKE 8:3 & LUKE 2:36-38).

Proverbs 14:1 says “the wise woman builds, but the foolish pulls it down with her hand.” a godly woman will always build herself and build others because the centre of her wiseness will be the lord her God. wisdom from above is holy and pure, let every woman of God be rooted and grounded in the fear of the Lord, proverbs 1: 7 says , the fear of the lord is the beginning of the wisdom.

Daddy God, thank You soo much, for your Love, Grace and Mercy which you have bestowed upon every child of God who loves and believes in you. Men and Women equally Lord, You love and Protect us. Thank you, thank you Lord with all our hearts and minds in Jesus mighty name Amen and Amen.


In Christ Alone,
Mercy joy, Bangalore.