How can we trust that King Solomon really loved his bride…

Days: 150
Song of Solomon: 1 – 6
Friday: 11.12.2020

How can we trust that King Solomon really loved his bride, since he had like 700 wives and 300 concubines?”

The main point of the Song of Songs was to not focus on the imperfect love of humans, but to direct us to the perfect love of Christ.

How beautiful you are, my darling!” (Song of Songs 1:15),
but later in his life utters the words “Everything is meaningless!” (Eccl. 1:2)

The truth is, human love will always fail us. Even the best relationships fall short of the glory of God. But our broken relationships continually point us to the One whose love will never falter; whose love will never let us down. Over the years as I have continued to study the book of Song of Songs.

An Ancient Love Story
It is obvious that the Song of Songs is a beautiful love story between a man and a woman. Bride and bridegroom. Husband and wife. King Solomon (the valiant lover), poetically declares his love for a beautiful Jewish maiden (the beloved Shulamite woman). She responds to the king’s advances and adds sweet harmony to their love song, echoing her heart-felt desire for him.

Throughout the pages of this beautiful song is a love story of the century. A story of desire and delight. Of harmonious matrimony and the sensual pleasures God created for husbands and wives to enjoy within the protective hedges of marriage.

Coupled between these pages of desire and delight are three powerful truths about true love.

True Love is Protective
The Shulamite woman likens her knight in shining armor to an apple tree among the trees of the forest (Song of Songs 2:3). Strong and sturdy, the shade of his protection covers her from the scorching rays of the sun. In the same way, Jesus, our perfect Bridegroom, shelters us with the power of his unfailing love.

The love of God shades and shields us from the enemy with his protective banner of love.

True Love is Worth Waiting For
This strong plea is repeated by the Shulamite bride two more times in the book of Song of Songs. She urges her fellow maidens to wait for love’s perfect timing. Desires until marriage is an antiquated, unpopular notion.

Mainstream media encourages us to indulge in our sensual desires any time we please. But what the world doesn’t tell us is that “following our hearts” instead of following God’s Word only leads to pain and heartache. Instead of arousing love in our timing, true love waits for God’s good, pleasing and perfect will for our lives (Romans 12:2).

True Love Never Fails
The end of this love song resounding melody of the strong, unrelenting love of the king and his fair maiden.

✍️❤️Mrs. Kalaiselvi Balakrishnan in Jesus Christ ❤️✍️