Bible Study Insights John 20 to Acts 1
270 Days Bible Study Insights John 20 to Acts 1- Day: 235
20:1 People who hear about the resurrection for the first time may need time before they can comprehend this amazing story. Like Mary and the disciples, they may pass through four stages of belief:
- At first, they may think the story is a fabrication, impossible to believe.(29:2).
- Like Peter, they may check out the facts and still be puzzled about what happened (20:6).
- Only when they encounter Jesus personally are they able to accept the fact of the resurrection (20:26)
- Then, as they commit themselves to the risen Lord and devote their lives to serving him, they begin to understand fully the reality of his presence with them(20:28).
20:9. Jesus’ resurrection is the key to the Christian faith. Why?
- Just as he said, Jesus rose from the dead. We can be confident, therefore, that he will accomplish all he has promised.
- Jesus bodily resurrection shows us that the living Christ, not a false prophet or imposter, is ruler of God’s eternal kingdom.
- We can be certain of our own resurrection because Jesus was resurrected. Death is not the end —there is future life.
- The divine power that brought Jesus back to life is now available to us to bring our spiritually dead selves back to life.
- The resurrection is the basis for the church’s witness to the world.
20:21. Jesus again identified himself with his Father. He told the disciples by whose authority he did his work. Then he passed the job to his disciples of spreading the gospel of salvation around the world. Whatever God has asked you to do, remember:
- Your authority comes from God and
- Jesus has demonstrated by words and actions how to accomplish the job he has given you. As the Father sent Jesus, Jesus sends his followers…and you.
21:25. John’s stated purpose for writing his Gospel was to show that Jesus was the Son of God. He clearly and systematically presented the evidence for Jesus’ claims. When evidence is produced in the courtroom, those who hear it must make a choice. Those who read the Gospel of John must also make s choice— is Jesus the Son of God, or isn’t he? You are the jury. The evidence has been clearly presented. You must decide. Read John’s Gospel and believe!
The books of Acts
Beginning with a brief summary of Jesus’ last days on earth with his disciples, his ascension, and the selection of a replacement for Judas Iscariot. Luke moves quickly to his subject- the spread of the Gospel and the growth of the church. Pentecost, highlighted by the filing of the Holy Spirit (2:1-13) and Peter’s powerful sermon (2:14-42), was the beginning.
1:1. The book of Acts continues the story Luke began in his Gospel, covering 40 years after Jesus was taken up into heaven. During the short time the church wAs established, and the Gospel Of Salvation was taken throughout the world, even to the capital of the Roman Empire. Those preaching the gospel, though ordinary people with human frailties and limitations, we’re empowered by the Holy Spirit to take the Good News”all over the world”(17:6). Through the book of Acts we learn about the nature of the church and how we today are also to go about turning our world upside down.
1:3. Jesus explained that with his coming, the kingdom of God was inaugurated. When he returned to heaven, God’s kingdom would remain in the hearts of all believers through the presence of the Holy Spirit. But the kingdom of God will not be fully realised until Jesus Christ comes again to judge all people and remove all evil from the world. Before that time, believers are to work to spread God’s Kingdom across the world. The book of Acts records how this work was begun. What the early church started, we must continue.
1:5. At Pentecost , the Holy Spirit was made available to all who believed in Jesus. We receive the Holy Spirit when we receive Jesus Christ. The baptism of the Holy Spirit must be understood in the light of his total work in Christians.
- The Spirit Mark’s the beginning of the Christian experience. We cannot belong to Christ without his Spirit (Rom.8:9), we cannot be united to Christ without his Spirit (1Cor.6:17); we cannot be adopted as his children without his Spirit (Gal.4:6,7), we cannot be in the body of Christ except by baptism in the Spirit (1 Cor12:13).
- The Spirit is the power of our new lives. He begins a lifelong process of change as we become more like Christ(Gal.3:3). When we receive Christ by faith, we begin an immediate personal relationship withGod. The Holy Spirit works in us to help us become like Christ.
- The Spirit unites the Christian community in Christ(Eph.2:19-22). The Holy Spirit can be experienced by all, and he works through all.(Eph.4:4).
1:8. Jesus promised the disciples that they would receive power to witness after they received the Holy Spirit. Notice the progression:
- They would receive the Holy Spirit
- He would give them power and
- They would witness with extraordinary results. Often we try to reverse the order and witness byvour own power and authority. Witnessing is not showing what we can do for God. It is showing and telling what God has done for us.
1:15-26. This was the first church business meeting. The small group of 11 had already grown to more than 120. The main order of business was to appoint a new disciple, or apostle as the 12 were now called. While the apostles waited, they were doing what they could —praying, seeking God’s guidance, and getting organised. Waiting for God to work does not mean sitting around doing nothing. We must do what we can, while we can, as long as we don’t run ahead of God.
Clara Radhakrishna