
The book of Jeremiah

Day 163December 24, 2020Jeremiah 1-3, Isaiah 66
Day 164December 25, 2020Jeremiah 4-6
Day 165December 26, 2020Jeremiah 7-10
Day 166December 27, 2020Jeremiah 11-15
Day 167December 28, 2020Jeremiah 16-21
Day 168December 29, 2020Jeremiah 22-25
Day 169December 30, 2020Jeremiah 26-29
Day 170December 31, 2020Jeremiah 30-32
Day 171January 1, 2021Jeremiah 33-36
Day 172January 2, 2021Jeremiah 37-41
Day 173January 3, 2021Jeremiah 42-46
Day 174January 4, 2021Jeremiah 47-49
Day 175January 5, 2021Jeremiah 50-52

The first fruits of His Harvest

Shalom 🙏Blessed to be a Blessing to the Blessed People 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 📖 Jeremiah 2 :…

Jeremiah 4

Ever since the fall of man, God’s heart has always been directed towards the restoration…

The call of Jeremiah

Jeremiah 1 All that we hear of Jeremiah was that he was a priest and…

The Lord said if you return

SHALOM 🙏Blessed to be a Blessing to the Blessed People 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 “THE LORD SAID: IF…

A blessing in Disguise 🎊

Jeremiah Chapter 9🛐 Repentance in humility leads to great anointing.🛐 Biblically speaking, Humility has a…

Are we listening?

My Ruby dawg was half dead when she first came home. But she did and…

Jeremiah 7

This chapter reveals a startling truth. It tells us that it is possible for us…

The weeping prophet

Lockdown Reflections… 📝Food from my Host’s Kitchen Table 🍽️🍯🥛🍴Take a Break with Jesus in the…

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