Willingness to stand true to God
On seeing the great change in the attitude and behaviour of Judah, Joseph knew that his brothers were now penitent concerning the evil that they had done towards him in the past, and it was now time to reveal himself to his brothers,Genesis 45:1.
At this point of time, it was almost 2 years into the period of famine, vs 6. This meant that Joseph had already been reigning in Egypt for nearly 7 years by this time! It was then that he met with his brothers. So, when God finally exalted him, he realised that though his brothers had done him wrong, yet that was part of God’s plan in order to bring him to that high position, vs 4-8. He was, therefore, able to forgive them freely on seeing their penitence and on seeing the awesome plan that God had in mind throughout.
To their shock and surprise, he not only forgave them freely, but also made ample arrangements, as per Pharoah’s direction, to provide for their journey to Canaan and then back to Egypt, vs 9-21. Thus, Joseph was once again united with his father Jacob in the land of Egypt, Genesis 46:29. On presenting his father and some of his brothers before Pharaoh, Jacob gets an opportunity to bless Pharaoh, and is given permission to reside in the best part of the land of Egypt, although shepherds were despised by the Egyptians, Genesis 46;34; 47: 2,10,11!
It is interesting to note the amazing authority that Joseph, who wasn’t an Egyptian himself, held in the land of Egypt, Genesis 47: 13-26!
All this came about because of Joseph’s willingness to stand true to God and continue to be a man of integrity in the midst of much trial and hardship, and that too primarily, which came from the ones who were closest to him!.
Do I realise that these stories have been written for my instruction? This means that if I am facing similar trials and tests just like Joseph faced, for no fault of mine, but only because I have chosen to stand true to God in a day of rampant compromise, then my ending too will be, perhaps far more intriguing and amazing than Joseph’s, if I continue in faith in God, and love and forgiveness towards my persecutors, because I now live in the New Testament and there is no partiality with God, Romans 2:11.
If we choose to believe God and His plan for us, right now itself, even before we see it fulfilled, then we can assuredly rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory, receiving as the end of our faithveven the salvation of our souls, 1 Peter 1:6-9! Amen.
Rowena Thomas
Mumbai, India.