Gave Faith to Believe for the Glory of God to manifest in our dead-end situations

Lockdown Reflections… 📝
Food from my Host’s Kitchen Table 🍽️🍯🥛🍴
Take a Break with Jesus in the Lockdown 🍞☕
Day 232, 270 Days Bible Reading, Wednesday, 3.3.21.

In this lockdown let us have Faith to Believe for the Glory of God to manifest in our dead-end situations, John 11:40.

⚡ When Lazarus was raised from the dead, he became an undeniable testimony of who God is, so much so that the Pharisees plotted to kill him together with Jesus, John 11:45-57. When God does an Undeniable Miracle, the Enemy will stir some people up, like the Jews who reported the miracle to the Pharisees, who then reported the miracle of raising Lazarus to the chief priests. And they all plotted to kill Jesus and Lazarus, John 12:10. It is bad enough for Lazarus to die once and to be raised up to be killed! When God does something undeniable, Satan will do everything to doubt the miracle worker.

⚡ Nothing is Impossible for God. Bring it to Jesus. Give it to Him. Mary and Martha only wanted a Healing for their brother. But Jesus had something greater and beyond their imagination. He wanted to Reveal His Resurrection Power. He wanted them to see the Glory of God. The Glory of God is the Presence of God. Unless we go beyond the knowledge of His glory and truly experience it, we will not know what it is. It cannot be explained; it can only be experienced. We have the Resurrection Power in our reborn spirit, which has come alive in Jesus, Ephesians 1:19-20.

⚡ Every believer in Christ Jesus has the Mighty Power that raised Jesus. Lazarus had the Resurrection Power with him, but we have the Resurrection Power in us! We are marked by God’s Glory. We are to Rise and Shine because the Glory of God has come upon us, Isaiah 60:1-3. When gross darkness covers the earth, with Covid-19 and its variants, doubt and despair, the Church will be Radiating the Glory of God. Nations will come to her for the answers because God will get all the glory.

⚡ Child of God, Remember this… everything that looks dead, and near destruction, can be resurrected, if we have faith to believe for the glory of God. All our Dead-End Situations and Dead Dreams can be resurrected by Jesus. This goes for anyone. Jesus has gone ahead of the lockdown and we can cross over with Him and in Him. We don’t have to bring our disappointment across after the lockdown. With renewed hope we can tap into the Resurrection Power by Faith, now and every day, for the rest of our lives.

⚡ Is there something in our life that we had as a dream, that has truly died, wrapped up and buried and with a stone rolled in front of it, in this lockdown? Let us bring it to Jesus for it to be given the Resurrected Life… Amen. 🙏

anniekoshy@God’s Thirstydeer🦌 Breaking the Chain with You… ⛓️