What Joshua did and how well he finished his race
🏁In a time of fear and anxiety, let us remember that we have to continue and fulfill the task God has given us and being lockdown with limited relaxation, should not make us shrink back but go forward in faith, Hebrew 10:39
🏁I want to draw your attention to three little words, after these things that speaks volume in the life of Joshua. Before he was buried, he did a catalogue of all the things he did as a Warrior Leader, and so much have been written about what Joshua did and how well he finished his race
🏁Joshua did not waste his life. He could have easily belonged to the group that was buried in the desert after their murmurings, complaining, whinning and moaning. He was very aware that his life belonged to God. He followed the footsteps of Moses and brought the second generation across with Caleb, who was the first in the tribes to receive his inheritanceinheritance, Joshua 14:6. Joshua received his inheritance last, after everyone in the tribes received theirs before him.
🏁Joshua, was not selfish. He was others – centred and not self – centered Timnah Serah in Ephraim, was his Inheritance. He chose a place in his own tribe, for he was of the tribe of Ephraim. Timnath Serah in Hebrew means “an abundant portion” or *”a place in the sun”. He didn’t ask for an already built city but asked for a place to build a city and fitted it for his own habitation, and for those that belonged to him. He was a Kingdom Builder. Always building people and places for God, Joshua 19:50.
We should notice something…
🏁Where did they inquire about all the inheritance? Where was the inheritance signed and sealed?
🏁At the door of the Tabernacle in the Presence of Yahweh, Joshua 19:51.
🏁Isn’t that where all our transactions should be taking place, that is, in the Presence of the Lord, being Transparent?
🏁Joshua’s great reward was in seeing the promises of God fulfilled before his very eyes, Joshua 21:45, 23:14, and the children of Israel serving the Lord’s during his lifetime, Joshua 24:31. He was buried in his own Inheritance, giving us a contrast with the burial of the patriarchs who had to be buried in places bought from strangers. Joshua was buried in his own property, not in the foreign country of Eygpt or in the desert but in his own Inheritance that was Promised to him.
🏁Dear Child of God, Remember this, we have to be Faithful and Accountable in everything we do and exit this world after doing all these things to receive our inheritance. Joshua may have received but a small inheritance in the promised land, but this was just an earnest of his future glorious inheritance in eternity. God have the best portion saved for the last, John 2:10, while the world has their best portion now.
🏁Every one of us who belong to God has a God given purpose to fulfill. We too should be buried after these things which God has entrusted us with, are done. We have to give an account to Jesus and He will not want us to waste our life even if we are in a lockdown…Amen🙏
anniekoshy@God’s Thirstydeer🦌
Breaking the Chain with You….⛓️