Tagged: Nehemiah 1-4

Nehemiah Chapters 1-6

✅ Nehemiah Chapters 1-6✅ ✅The first point I have is Nehemiah had sadness of heart. This means that he was not sad because he got hurt from the outside but because he was emotionally...

Nehemiah’s tender loving concern Neh. 1

Nehemiah, the Israelite born during captivity, works for king Artaxerxes of Persia. When one of his brothers, Hanani comes from Judah to visit him atthe palace, Nehemiah asks about the condition of Jerusalem and...

God’s Word is not in Lockdown

God’s Word is not in Lockdown and neither does it need reappearing, something that we can learn in this Lockdown at God’s Water Gate Nehemiah 3:26. The Water Gate in Nehemiah 3:26 has a...

Let us start rebuilding Nehemiah 2:18

NEHEMIAH was a Jewish captive, leading a comfortable life and was engaged in a respectable and trustworthy job as the cup bearer (1:11) in the Susan palace of King Artaxerxes of Persia.(1:1; 2:1) In...

The Man behind the Wall 🔰

All was well for Nehemiah. He led a happy, peaceful life serving in the Persian court as the cupbearer to king Artaxerxes. His prestigious position reveals that he was a man of integrity and...

Nehemiah was an unusual layman

Nehemiah 1:3-4 “The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire. When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted...

Nehemiah’s tender loving concern

Nehemiah, the Israelite born during captivity, works for king Artaxerxes of Persia. When one of his brothers, Hanani comes from Judah to visit him atthe palace, Nehemiah asks about the condition of Jerusalem and...