Lord will neither fail you or abandon you
So be strong and courageous, do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you He will neither fail you or abandon you Deu 31:6
This is the encouragement of Moses for Israel on the verge of taking possession of the promised land.It shows Gods care for His people
The strength and courage of the warriors of Israel would come from their confidence that their God was with them and would not forsake them vs 7_8. Moses repeated this encouragement this time, addressed it specifically to Joshua in the presence of the people, to encourage and to remind the people that Joshua’s leadership was approved by God .
This faith and confidence is repeated in 31:23,Jos1:5_7
Similar exhortations were given later to Solomon, when he succeeded David as king.1 chron 22:13,28:20
Cynthia Sathiaraj