Nehemiah Chapters 1-6
✅ Nehemiah Chapters 1-6✅ ✅The first point I have is Nehemiah had sadness of heart. This means that he was not sad because he got hurt from the outside but because he was emotionally...
✅ Nehemiah Chapters 1-6✅ ✅The first point I have is Nehemiah had sadness of heart. This means that he was not sad because he got hurt from the outside but because he was emotionally...
Nehemiah 5:16.NEHEMIAH was appointed as the Governor of Judah by King Artaxerxes of Persia in 445 BC. He served as the Governor for 12 years, till 433 BC in his first term. He was...
Nehemiah 8:14 – “And they found written in the Law, which the Lord had commanded by Moses, that the children of Isreal should dwell in booths during the feast of the seventh month. Ezra...
During those days printed copies of the Bible was not available to all. The only chance to hear the Word of God was when it was read in the Temple. It is fascinating to...
After the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem under the leadership of Nehemiah, the Governer, a spiritual rebuilding or revival took place under the leadership of Ezra, the priest. Hearing and understanding of God’s...
Neh 8:10 “Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our...
After all that Nehemiah did, in order to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and set up its gates, he was shocked and angry to learn how his own people were taking fields, vineyards, and...
(Nehemiah Chapter 5:1-13) During Nehemiah’s reconstruction of the wall of Jerusalem, an Economic Crisis arose that required Nehemiah’s immediate attention.Four factors were involved to this problem :1️⃣ Big families- they were unable to feed...
*How can we find true and lasting happiness?*How can we find that place of *real joy? *🔎Let’s discover how God’s people in Nehemiah’s day found real joy. 🎉That’s the Jewish New Year!🎺The trumpets blow,...
❇️ Nehemiah was an unique crisis manager beyond compare since he successfully handled two groups of enemies one without ( Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem ) and one within (Nobles and Officials from Jewish community)....