God and His ability to give those who came to Him
Jesus only moved as led by the Holy Spirit, and on knowing that the Pharisees had heard that His disciples were baptising more disciples than John, He was led to leave Judea and set...
Jesus only moved as led by the Holy Spirit, and on knowing that the Pharisees had heard that His disciples were baptising more disciples than John, He was led to leave Judea and set...
The Creator came (1-14). Compare this passage with Genesis 1 and note the emphasis on light and life. Moses wrote about the old creation, but John wrote about the new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17)....
These words tell us that there is a fulness in Christ. For, “In Him dwells all the fulness of the God head; There is a fulness of perfect Manhood, for in Him, bodily, that...
There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only...
“The woman left her waterpot, and went her way into the city and saith to the men…” ( Jn. 4:28). In the sweltering heat of the Oriental midday, the samaritan woman came to the...
Lockdown Reflections… 📝Food from my Host’s Kitchen Table 🍽️🍯🥛🍴Take a Break with Jesus in the Lockdown 🍞☕Day 229, 270 Days Bible Reading, Monday, 28.2.21. 🍇 In this lockdown let the Still Waters of our...
John 1: 35-48 One day as Jesus was passing by, John the Baptist told Andrew and his friend that Jesus is the Lamb of God (v 35-36). They left John and followed Jesus.There was...
John the Baptist is an amazing man. Miraculously conceived, he was set apart for a holy purpose from the womb of his mother. John’s life is an example of humility, zeal for God’s work,...
John 1: 12. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name. 1.Here we see that God is giving...
John : 4 ❇️ When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her,” Will you give me a drink?” (v7) ❇️ Our Lord shows how effectively one can communicate difficult concepts...