Why are you destroying yourselves

Simple thoughts for💫
deeper meditation.

Jeremiah 44:11
So then, I, the Lord Almighty the God of Israel, will turn against you and destroy all Judah

âš¡ Against God’s will, the
remnant in Judah proceeded
to Egypt and sure enough they fell a prey to the idol
worship of Egyptian gods and goddesses.

So the mighty God
became kind enough to warn these proud men of the drastic consequences they
had to face, through His

Having neglected the
earlier warning, the people
settled in Egypt and started
following the Egyptian’s
religious practices.

âš¡ God reminds them it was their idolatry and false
religion that sent them into
captivity in Babylon.(V: I-6)
Although he had to punish them for their sins, he spared a remnant, but they
in turn have turned to Egypt,
where His wrath will come
upon them.

He pleads with them as
a loving father,” why are you destroying yourselves?.(V:7)

âš¡ God’s voice comes to
us today too. Self- destruction whether through
foolish decisions, dangerous
habits, or disobedience to God, is the worst form of

âš¡ We must learn from the
incidents in the Bible. When
we forget a lesson or refuse
to learn, we risk repeating our mistakes.

Let us take time to examine ourselves and see
if we have in any way
disobeyed God.
Let our past mistakes point
us to God’s way.

âš¡ Remember that our past
is a school of experience, to learn our lessons for the

Dr. Thomas David.🎯